LaPlas new laboratory deal with priority tasks of ITER international organization

Associate Professor of Institute for Laser and Plasma Technologies, MEPhI, Yuriy Gasparyan won a four-year grant to create new laboratory. The competition was held by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education among leading young scientists. The creation of the laboratory “Physico-Chemical processes in the fusion reactor walls” was supported by the MEPhI.Scientific Council.

More than 80% of the laboratory employees will be young specialists.

Together with Ioffe Institute scientists, employees of new laboratory will develop methods for remote monitoring of the accumulation and removal of hydrogen isotopes from fusion plants walls using laser radiation. This topic is relevant in terms of the fusion plant safety that is included in the list of tasks with the highest priority by the ITER international organization.

The project is dedicated not only to plasma physics, but also is closely related to laser physics, solid state physics, and material science. Active interaction with various departments of MEPhI and a number of other Russian organizations — Ioffe Institute, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics — is suggested. Meanwhile, it is planned to conduct a joint research on promising tungsten-based alloys and composite materials with the Julich Research Center (Germany).

To join the project you can contact the head of the laboratory.

Yuriy Gasparyan, Head of Laboratory No. 602, LaPlas Institute
+7 (495) 788 56 99, доб. 9983