Ph.D. supervisor in engineering and technology

Anton A. Belogorlov - Candidate of Science.

University: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).

English proficiency: Intermediate.

Programme: Engineering and technology.

Direction: 2.6.6 Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

Перечень исследовательских проектов потенциального научного руководителя:


Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 19-08-01140, Physical and technological bases of creation nanoporous media for the delivery and controlled release of anticancer drugs to cancer cells, 2019 - 2021;

Russian Science Foundation, 18-13-00398, Collective dynamic phenomena in nanofluid systems of a nanoporous medium, 2018 - 2020;

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 14-08-00895, Investigation of stable dispersion state transition of non-wetting liquid in nanoporous medium, 2014-2016.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 20-08-01003, Transport of non-wetting liquid in disordered nanoporous medium, 2020-2021;

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 14-08-00805, Investigation of the dynamic properties of granular nanoporous intelligent materials for high-energy impact protection systems, 2018 - 2019;

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 14-08-00805, Kinetics of dispersion transition in systems disordered nanoporous medium - non-wetting liquid, 2014-2016;

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 17-08-01424, Dynamics of local configurations of interacting clusters of non-wetting liquid in a disordered nanoporous medium, 2017-2019;

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Non-ergodic states and mechanisms of relaxation of hybrid systems based on disordered nanoporous media, 2014-2016.

List of possible research topics:

1. New porous materials for biomedical applications;

2. A temperature influence on an intrusion-extrusion process in nanoporous material – non-wetting liquid systems;

3. Development of an intrusion-extrusion process in nanoporous material – non-wetting liquid systems model.

Supervisor’s research area: surface physics, structure and properties of porous media, the interface interaction, membrane technologies, nanotechnologies, thermodynamics and phase transitions.

Supervisor’s research interests: Modern devices for porous media characterization and determination the properties of liquids. Uncial devices for study intrusion-extrusion process in nanoporous material – non-wetting liquid systems under quasistatic and impulse pressure change.

Supervisor’s specific requirements:

  • Python;
  • Maple;
  • Courses “Hydrodynamics” and “Physical kinetics”.

Supervisor’s main publications:

30 articles indexed in Web of Science or Scopus during last 5 years.

Main publications:

•        Anton A. Belogorlov, Vladimir D. Borman, Igor A. Khlistunov, Vladimir N. Tronin, Alexander V. Neimark, Suspensions of lyophobic nanoporous particles as smart materials for energy absorption, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 600, 2021, Pages 229-242, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.04.132

•        Borman, V., Belogorlov, A. & Tronin, I. Fast Spontaneous Transport of a Non-wetting Fluid in a Disordered Nanoporous Medium. Transport in Porous Media, 139, 21–44 (2021).

•        Borman, V.D., Belogorlov, A.A., Tronin, V.N. Response of a nanofluid system based on a porous medium to an impact loading (2018) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 537, pp. 540-548. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.10.037 (IF 2.714)

•        Volkov, A.V., Bakhtin, D.S., Kulikov, L.A., Terenina, M.V., Golubev, G.S., Bondarenko, G.N., Legkov, S.A., Shandryuk, G.A., Volkov, V.V., Khotimskiy, V.S., Belogorlov, A.A., Maksimov, A.L., Karakhanov, E.A. Stabilization of gas transport properties of PTMSP with porous aromatic framework: Effect of annealing (2016) Journal of Membrane Science, 517, pp. 80-90.DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2016.06.033

•        Borman, V.D., Belogorlov, A.A., Tronin, V.N. Anomalously slow relaxation of interacting liquid nanoclusters confined in a porous medium (2016) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 93 (2), art. no. 022142, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.022142

Results of intellectual activity:

METHOD OF MEASURING PERMEABILITY OF MATERIALS, Patent RU 2434223, Borman VD; Belogorlov AA; Grekhov AM; et al.