Modyaev Alexey Dmitrievich - Doctor of Sciences in Technical Sciences, professor.
University: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).
English proficiency: Advanced.
Programme: Engineering and technology.
Direction: 27.06.01 Control in technical systems.
List of Research Projects:
The federal targeted programme “Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Human Resources of Innovation-Driven Russia”, 2009-2013. “Development of parallel programming methods in the mathematical modeling of physical processes by using high-performance computing cluster systems and supercomputers” (leader).
The federal targeted programme “Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Human Resources of Innovation-Driven Russia”, 2009-2013. “The study of the influence of the concentration of charged and neutral nanostructures with different stoichiometry on the thermodynamic properties of solutions of ionic liquids, electrolytes, organic compounds and melts” (participant).
Analytical departmental targeted programme «Development of the scientific potential of higher education», 2009-2010. «Development of methods and algorithms for spectral-time analysis of non-stationary oscillatory signals» (participant).
List of possible research topics:
1. Digital adaptive control methods;
2. Methods of identifying the objects, processes and systems;
3. Computer processing systems in ecology and medicine;
4. Information and educational environments for electronic learning.
Supervisor’s research area: Digital information processing and control.
Supervisor’s research interests: Digital control of objects, processes and systems; computer systems for information processing; adaptive control; identification of objects, processes and systems; electronic information and educational environments in the tasks of controlling the education individualization.
Supervisor’s specific requirements:
- able to use applied mathematical symbolic computing packages (Wolfram Mathematica and/or Maple);
- able to use applied engineering technical computing packages (MATLAB and/or Mathcad).
Supervisor’s main publications:
- Alyushin A.M.; Leonova N.M., Modyaev A.D. Intelligent Processing of Speech Information in the Tasks of Noise Reduction for Communication Tools at the Objects of the Digital Economy // Proceedings of 2020 23rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2020, 2020, pp. 230-233
- Modyaev A.D., Leonova N.M. Information-educational environment with adaptive control of learning process // AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017. Vol. 1797
- Potapov D., Modyaev A., Leonova N. Grains segmentation on uranium dioxide thin section images // ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2016 Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 6726-6732
- Leonova N.M., Modyaev A.D., Kolychev V.D. Visualization of a product's life cycles in the common information space on the basis of project management methods // Scientific Visualization, 2016 Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 26-40
Results of intellectual activity:
Prepared 9 candidates of sciences and 2 doctors of sciences, including two employees of CERN.