Alumni Association

MEPhI Alumni Association is a community of people who have studied in the University for the development of professional, creative and scientific ties within itself and with University, regardless of graduation year of and specialty, place of residence and field of activity.

The Association mission is to consolidate MEPhI alumni and involve them into a dynamic and committed environment to preserve and enhance MEPhI values ​​and uniqueness of university education, culture and traditions.

MEPhI Alumni Association website is a special university Internet portal, were MEPhI alumni can get acquainted with information about MEPhI history, including unique archival videos and photographs, and view the calendar of upcoming events. Moreover, they can post their reviews, memories and wishes to MEPhI at a special section "Word to graduates".

The Association is open for registration through the website, after registration each graduate gets an access to a personal account. The number of registered participants as of the end of 2019 is more than 65650 people.