Official website:
Strategic aim of the LAPLAS:
The strategic goal of the LAPLAS Institute is to become the best in Russia and internationally recognized leading scientific school and the core of innovative development in laser, plasma and radiation technologies, with unique educational programs, essential both for the Russian and world markets of educational services.
The main objectives of the LAPLAS Institute
In the sector of scientific research:
- Research and development in the fields of laser, plasma, radiation and beam technologies and their applications to the energy production, industry, medicine and the life sciences.
- Research in the field of environment-friendly energy production based on controlled nuclear fusion.
- Research and development in the field of high-power lasers, physics of the interaction of ultra-intense optical fields with matter, attosecond optics.
- Research and development in the field of compact (table-top) laser-plasma particle accelerators for proton therapy.
- Research of new functional materials using synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers.
- Research and development in the field of optical information processing, radiophotonics, optical, laser and quantum metrology.
In the educational area:
- Training of highly qualified specialists according to the prospective development of laser, plasma and energy saving technologies, in the framework of the technological renovation of the Russian enterprises, creation of the megascience-scale facilities, including Russian megajoule-energy level laser facility, as well as NICA, ITER, FAIR, and XFEL projects.
- Increasing the demand for the educational programs among students and employers due to:
- Introduction of team and project education forms in order to foster the crucial skill of cooperation;
- Elaboration of integrated study program accounting for the need for comprehensive development of a person;
- Establishing the international educational environment due to:
- Involvement of foreign professors and researchers into the educational programs of the LAPLAS Institute;
- Involvement of foreign students in the format of training, as well as master and postgraduate studies;
- Development of international academic mobility of the LAPLAS Institute’s students and faculty, in the framework of joint scientific programs and research projects realization;
- Extension of the program of foreign training and summer schools for students and postgraduates of the LAPLAS Institute.
- Organizing training of students in the leading Russian and foreign laboratories, scientific centers for laser, fusion, and radiation acceleration, and in the international organizations.
- Improving the Institute’s own educational and experimental basis.
- Formation of the unique application-oriented special educational modules, which can serve either as parts of the basic educational program of a student, or as additional modules of expert-level education.
In the innovative activities:
- Development and industrial adoption of new additive technologies and facilities with semiconductor, fiber lasers, as well as laser, plasma, and acceleration technological devices and facilities.
- Creation and adoption of the technology for material studies under high pressure and high temperature conditions (aerospace and nuclear technologies).
- Research and development (R&D) activities in the framework of collaboration with Rosatom State Corporation and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) institutes in building Russian megascience-class megajoule-level laser facility, as well as NICA, ITER, XFEL, HiLumi-LHC, and FCC projects.
- Launch of the educational programs to form highly-qualified specialists prepared to run startup companies.
- Department of Laser Physics
- Department of Plasma Physics
- Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics
- Department of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Physics
- Department of Solid State Physics and Nanosystems
- Department of Electrophysical Facilities
- Department of Physical and technical problems of metrology
- Laser Center of the MEPhI
- Plasma-Surface Interactions and Plasma Technologies Laboratory
- International laboratory “Radiation methods of diagnostics and radiation technology using ultra-intense laser radiation”
- International Laboratory “Simulation of physical processes in extreme light fields”
- International Laboratory “Quantum Metrology”
- Chemical Physics Department
- Department of Electronic Measurement Systems
- Department of Applied Mathematics
- Center for Multiphysics Simulation and Supercomputer Modelling
- Laser, plasma and radiation technology in industry, energy and medicine
- Photonics, quantum metrology, optical information processing
- New functional materials, metamaterials and quantum systems
- Extreme optical fields, powerful lasers, the Mega Science facilities
- High-temperature plasma physics, environmentally friendly energy on the basis of controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Synchrotron methods of research of condensed media
- Creation and implementation of digital twins in the development and exploitation of complex engineering physics systems and technologies
technicians: 116
Students: 517
- Research
- Education
- Faculty
- Collaboration
- Publications
Energy-saving, high-performance laser, plasma, and radiation technologies
- laser technologies based on energy-efficient fiber, disc, and hybrid lasers;
- materials research technologies for ultra-high temperature and pressure conditions (aerospace, nuclear technologies);
- technologies of new materials synthesis based on the resonant excitation of atoms and molecules by laser radiation that are inaccessible by other methods;
- new micro- and nanotechnologies for materials processing and creation of elements and mechatronics devices, electronics, and medicine;
- development of processing technology for the blades of gas turbine engines, and new heat-shielding materials;
- new methods of laser processing and modification of the superconducting current-carrying layers ensuring lossless power transmission;
- high-performance energy storage devices based on the new technology of laser-plasma modification of supercapacitors;
- compact (table-top) laser-plasma particle accelerators for proton therapy;
- development of radiation technologies involving accelerators;
- development of radiation technologies with high-power microwave fluxes.
Organization of effective technology transfer in cooperation with industrial partners in areas of semiconductor-, fiber- lasers, laser and plasma devices and facilities, development of advanced additive technologies.
IPG Photonics, GPI RAS, LPI RAS, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) (Germany), University of Lyon (France), Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT (Germany)

High-power lasers, extreme light fields, environment-friendly energy production by the controlled nuclear fusion
- Laboratory astrophysics: energy and diagnostic capabilities of the system outperform the capacities of traditional kilojoule systems that will expand the range of experiments in this area, as compared with current activities.
- Laser fusion: generation of shock waves under the action of a laser pulse with a time shaped intensity, study of the equation of state of matter and the generation of soft X-ray radiation with respect to the exposure conditions in megajoule-level installations.
- Laser source of protons. The proposed laser complex will have sufficient power to produce beams of protons with energies up to 100 MeV. One of the most promising applications of the laser acceleration of protons is to create quasi-monoenergetic source with high intensity for oncologic therapy.
- Relativistic laser-plasma, X-ray generation
- Physics of shock waves. The energy parameters of the laser are sufficient for complex studies of phase and chemical transformations taking place in the material at pressures of a few hundred or more megabars (more than 108 atm)
- Creating a coherent source of ultraviolet and soft X-rays. Sources of UV and XUV radiation based on the effect of high harmonic laser generation are now widely used in the experiments, including attosecond optics. Advantages offered by the proposed laser system will allow achieving high degree of coherence and higher intensity UV and XUV radiation as compared with those obtained presently.
- Materials' research technologies at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure (aerospace, nuclear technologies);
- R&D within the framework of Russian Mega Science laser of MJ energy level
- R&D within the framework of cooperation for establishment of the Russian tokamak volume neutron source and the Kazakhstan tokamak KTM
RFNC VNIIEF, LPI RAS, GPI RAS, NRC “Kurchatov institute”, GSI Darmstadt Germany, FZ Juelich, Germany, NNC of Republic of Kazakhstan

Optical information processing, radiophotonics, optical, laser, and quantum metrology
- radiophotonic broadband signal processing system
- precise laser and quantum measurements;
- laser cooling of atoms;
- optical, atomic, nuclear frequency and time standards;
- measurement of fundamental constants (the fine structure constant, the gravitational constant) and verification of the foundations of the cosmological effects of general relativity;
- quantum phenomena in solid state physics;
- remote detection of new oil and gas condensate deposits, deposits of rare earth elements on the basis of precise measurements with the use of highly stable frequency standards of the gravitational field of the Earth;
- remote environmental monitoring and cleaning of the environment using laser and plasma technologies.

Energy-saving, high-effective industrial laser technologies
Advanced educational training program for high quality specialists in laser, plasma and energy-effective technologies – new programs
- Laser and plasma industrial technologies
- Computer modelling of plasma processes
- Plasma-surface interaction physics and its application n New quantum phenomena in complex materials
Quantum metrology:
Education - new program
Quantum metrology
Environmental energetics based on controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Double diploma program with Erasmus Mundus (master's degree, PhD). Currently, a pilot physics and nuclear synthes technology project is being realized, Gent University, Belgium, being the head organization in Europe and the programme coordinator
- Practical training programs in the leading Russian and foreign laboratories, scientific laser and fusion centers and international organizations (LPI RAS, GPI RAS, TRINITY, RFNC- VNIIEF, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Ioffe Institute RAS, FZI, Germany, GSI Germany, Plasma Physics Institute Czech Republic) with the view of raising both level of education and mobility as well as acquiring work experience in international research teams
- Foundation of international R&E center based on powerful laser facility, which is under costruction in MEPhI now and it is constructed in cooperation with leading Russian research centers (RFNC VNIIEF, LPI RAS, GPI RAS, TRINITY). This will lead to involvement of foreign students in international scientific practices and master programs and the involvement of the leading foreign specialists and professors in educational and research process
– new programs
- Powerful lasers and thermonuclear fusion
- Physics and technology of thermonuclear fusion with magnetic confinement n Plasma-surface interaction in thermonuclear installations
- Extreme laser fields physics
Educational programs |
Level |
Bachelor's degree programs 01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 03.03.01 – Applied mathematics and physics 12.03.03 Photonics and Optical Informatics 12.03.05 – Laser technics and laser technologies 14.03.02 – Nuclear Physics and Technology 16.03.02 High-Tech Plasma and Power Plants 22.03.01 – Materials science and materials technology Specialist's degree programs 14.05.04 – Electronics and automatization of physical facilities |
Bachelor's Degree/Specialist's Degree |
Master's and Postgraduate's Student's degree programs 01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 03.04.01 – Applied mathematics and physics 12.04.01 Instrumentation 12.04.03 Photonics and Optical Informatics 16.04.02 High-Tech Plasma and Power Plants
Master's Degree/Postgraduate's student'sDegree |
Russian scientists-Heads of Departments and Laboratories
Foreign Employees of MEPhI
Sergey Garnov – Corresponding member of RAS, Scientific supervisor of Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies
Dimitry Batani (France) – University of Bordeaux
Sergey Garanin – Academician of RAS, Head of Dept. of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Physics
Antonio Bianconi (Italy) – Director of the Rome International Center of Materials Science Superstripes (RICMASS)
Nikolay Kolachevsky – Corresponding member of RAS, Head of Dept. of Physical and Technical Problems of Metrology
David Blashke (Poland) – University of Wroclaw
Nikolay Evtikheev – Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), professor, Head of Dept. of Laser Physics
Julien Fuchs (France) – Ecole Polytechnique
Valeriy Kurnaev – Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), professor, Head of Dept. of Plasma Physics
Sergey Krasheninnikov (USA) – University of California
Alexey Menushenkov – Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), professor, Head of Dept. of Solid State Physics and Nanosystems
Kai Norlund (Finland) – Aatloo University
Sergey Popruzhenko – Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), professor, Head of Dept. of Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Guido van Oost (Belgium) – Ghent University
Valeriy Petrovsky - PhD (Phys.-Math), associate professor, Head of Laser Center of the MEPhI
Juris Purans (Latvia) – academician, University of Latvia
Sergey Polosov – PhD (Phys.-Math), associate professor, Head of Lab. “Dynamics in Accelerators”
Тetsuo Tanabe (Japan) – Kyushyu University
Alexander Pisarev - Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), senior researcher, Head of Lab. “Plasma-surface Interaction and Plasma Technology”
Ivan Vartanyants (Germany) – DESY
Sergey Gubin Head of Dept. of Chemical Physics (Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor)
Radiy Ilkaev Head of Dept. of Electronic Measuring Systems (Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics)
Nikolay Kudryashov Head of Dept. of Applied Mathematics (Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation, Recipient of the USSR State Prize, Recipient of the Russian Federation State Prize in education)


MEPhI in Russia