Alexey V. Samsonovich
MEPhI Cybernetics Department, Professor
Lectures and workshops for Masters and post-graduate students, supervising of the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation, international conferences run-up, articles to the journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus databases
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
Supervising of educational and research work and course projects of bachelors and masters of the Cybernetics Department
biologically based models,
cognitive architectures,
artificial intelligence,
neural networks, machine learning
Master and PhD degrees from the University of Arizona (USA),
2015-2016 years The "Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture" Master Degree Programm, in English
Supervising of educational and research work and course projects of bachelors and masters of the Cybernetics Department.Supervising on the RNF grant, 15-11-30014 (2015-2017) in the "Research of the biologically based models of cognitive systems" direction.
The preparations of 2 international schools FIERCES on BICA for young scientists, post-graduate students and students (2016 and 2017), as well as the international scientific-technical conference (2017) in the MEPhI.
Development of the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture" Master Degree Programm in English.
Matt Bishop
Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science of the University of California, Davis (USA)
Member of the Institute International Council, MEPhI; Editorial Board Member of the "Bezopasnost Informatchionnyh Technologiy" Journal
Co-director of the Computer Security Laboratory, MEPhI
Tel: +1 (530) 752-8060, Fax: +1 (530) 752-4767, e-mail:
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
Co-director of the Computer Security Laboratory
Computer security,
modeling election processes,
data sanitization,
the insider problem
Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue University, USA
One of 35 Best Computer Security Professors of 2013 in USA
Steve Furnell
Full Professor of the Plymouth University, UK; Adjunct Professor with Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
Member of the Institute International Council, Editorial Board Member of the "Bezopasnost Informatchionnyh Technologiy" Journal
Tel. +44 1752 586234, e-mail:
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
Head of School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics at the Plymouth University
Leader of Centre for Security, Communications & Network Research at the Plymouth University
Member of 3 IFIP WG
Editor-in-chief of Information Management & Computer Security
Co-chair of the Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (HAISA) symposium
Fellow of the British Computer Society
Senior Member of the IEEE
Full member of the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP)
Member, Costs of Cyber Crime Working Group, UK Home Office
Cyber Security / IT Security, including user authentication, biometrics, cyber crime, intrusion detection and response, security management and culture, usable security
Internet Technologies and Applications
PhD in information systems security, University of Plymouth
Chartered Information Technology Professional (CITP)
Chartered Engineer (CEng)
SEDA Accredited Teacher of Higher Education, University of Plymouth
Introduction to Computer Security
Cybersecurity Essentials
Secure Systems Architectures and Mechanisms
Information Security Management and Governance
Sokratis Katsikas
Professor, Center for Cyber and Information Security, Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway: Professor, School of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece
Member of the Institute International Council, MEPhI
Tel. +4761135258, e-mail:
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
Member of the pool of experts of the Institutional Evaluation Programme of the European University Association and member of the Steering Committee of the same programme
Information and communication systems
security and estimation theory and its applications
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece in 1982
Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, USA, in 1984
Participation forms are determining at the moment
Javier Lopez
Full Professor of the Computer Science Department at University of Malaga, Spain
Member of the Institute International Council, MEPhI
Phone: +34-952-131327, Fax: +34-952-131397, e-mail:
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
Head of "Network, Information and Computer Security Lab"
Co-Editor in Chief, International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), Springer
Editorial Board member of 13 international journals on security (IEEE; Elsevier; IET; IOS Press; John Wiley & Sons; Emerald; Inderscience Publishers)
IEEE and ACM Senior Member
Spanish representative in IFIP Technical Committee 11 - Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems
Member of the Spanish Mirror Committee JTC1 of ISO
Information and Computer Security,
Cloud Computing Security,
Identity Management, etc.
Master and PhD degrees,
Bart Preneel
Full Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Katholieke University Leuven, Belgium
Visiting professor at the Technical University Denmark; the Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany; the Graz University of Technology, Austria; the University of Bergen, Norway; and the Universiteit Gent,Belgium
Member of the Institute International Council, MEPhI
Tel : +32(0)16 321148; Fax : +32(0)16 321969; e-mail:
- Biography
- Research interests
- Education
- Publications
- MEPhI projects
IACR President
Head of ECRYPT project
Head of ESAT - COSIC, Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography
Cryptology and information security;
Cryptographic algorithm design and analysis;
Efficient and secure software and hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms and protocols;
Network security, trusted systems;
Privacy, anonimity and identity management;
Applications: e-voting, e-government, car telematics.
Master and PhD degrees,
December 2014 - a five-day lectures and workshops for students, bachelors, masters, post-graduate students and instructors titled "Applied cryptology"