№ |
Program title
Program description |
Program supervisor |
Language of studies |
Campus |
Tuition fee per semester (in Russian rubles) |
14.05.01 Nuclear Reactors and Materials |
1 |
Innovation Nuclear Reactors |
Nikolay Geraskin |
Moscow |
298000 |
2 |
Nuclear Reactors |
Dmitriy Samohin |
Russian |
Obninsk |
176 600 |
14.05.02 Nuclear Power Plants: Design, Operation and Engineering |
1 |
Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Plants |
Viktor Demin |
Russian |
Moscow |
165 000 |
181 500 |
2 |
Designing and operation of nuclear power plants |
Vladimir Kharitonov |
Russian |
Moscow |
165 000 |
181 500 |
3 |
Monitoring and control systems for nuclear power plants |
Andrey Tolokonsky |
Russian |
Moscow |
165 000 |
181 500 |
4 |
Designing and operation of nuclear power plants |
Sergey Leskin |
Russian |
Obninsk |
102 353 |
112 588 |
5 |
Monitoring and control systems for nuclear power plants |
Alexander Nakhabov |
Russian |
Obninsk |
102 353 |
112 588 |
Institute for Physics and Engineering in Biomedicine
№ |
Program title |
Program description |
Program supervisor |
Language of studies |
Campus |
Tuition fee per semester |
31.05.01 General Medicine |
1 |
General Medicine |
Aleksander Galchin |
English |
Moscow |
298000 |
2 |
General Medicine |
Andrey Kotlyarov |
English |
176 600 |

№ |
Program title |
Program description |
Program supervisor |
Language of studies |
Tuition fee per semester |
Foreign countries |
14.05.04 Electronics and Automation of Physical Installations |
1 |
Charged Particle Accelerators for Radiation Technologies |
Sergey M. Polozov |
Russian |
165 000 |
181 500 |

№ |
Program title |
Program description |
Program supervisоr |
Language of studies |
Tuition fee per semester (in Russian rubles) |
Foreign countries |
09.05.01 Automated systems application and operation for special purposes |
1 |
Automated systems for information processing and control of special purposes |
Yuriy G. Drevs Svetlana A. Krasnikova |
Russian |
143 500 |
157 850 |
Institute for Nanoengineering in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics
№ |
Program title |
Program description |
Program supervisor |
Language of studies |
Tuition fee per semester |
Foreign countries |
14.05.04 Electronics and Automation of Physics Installations |
1 |
Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems for Physical Installations |
Alexander Bakerenkov |
Russian |
165 000 |
181 500 |
2 |
Nanoelectronic Devices for Physical Facilities |
Vecheslav Barbashov |
Russian |
165 000 |
181 500 |
Institute of Cyber-Physical Systems
№ |
Program title |
Program description |
Program supervisor |
Language |
Tuition fee per semester |
Foreign countries |
14.05.04 Electronics and Automation of Physical Installations |
1 |
Automation and Information-Measuring Systems of Physical Installations |
Vladimir Kishkin |
Russian |
165 000 |
181 500 |