Governance of MEPhI
Rector – Vladimir Shevchenko
Phone: +7 (495) 788-56-99, add. 9900
Room: G-218
- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Vladimir Shevchenko was born in 1973.
He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with honors in 1996.
July 3, 2021, he was appointed as Acting Rector of MEPhI. December 30, 2021, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia approved him as the rector of the MEPhI.
In 1994-2010, he worked at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics", where he worked his way up from a graduate student to acting director of the institute. In 2001-2003, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands).
In different periods, he worked under medium-term contracts at the Heidelberg University (Germany), the University of Pisa (Italy), the VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (France). Since 2008, he is a member of the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva).
In 2010-2021, he held various positions relating to the leadership of fundamental research at the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". In 2014-2019, he was the head of the Scientific Coordination Committee at the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" for cooperation between the Russian Federation and CERN.
In different periods, he conducted research and teaching activities at MIPT, MEPhI, MISiS, FEFU.
Scientific interests
High energy physics, physics of elementary particles and fundamental symmetries, quantum field theory, quantum technologies and materials, quantum processes in biology, advanced particle detector technologies, mathematical modeling methods for big data analysis.
Vladimir Shevchenko is a Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (thesis topic is "Dynamics of test bodies in quantum field theories with a complex vacuum"), author and co-author of more than 200 scientific papers.
- Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for young scientists for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology (2003)
- Certificate of Merit of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (2006)
He is married and has two sons.
First Vice-rector – Oleg Nagornov
graduate and postgraduate education
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1983)
- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2005)

Oleg Nagornov was born on August 15, 1956 in Moscow. He earned his diploma with honours in “Theoretical nuclear physics” at MEPhI in 1979.
1979-1982 – MEPhI post-graduate student. 1983-1985 – Junior research fellow in MEPhI. 1985-1988 – MEPhI assistant. 1988-2006 – Associate Professor in MEPhI. 2007-2008 – Professor, the Head of the Department in MEPhI. 2008-2010 – MEPhI vice-rector. Since 2010 – First Vice-rector in MEPhI.
Academic career
The main priorities in scientific area are inverse problems in mathematical physics, mathematical models in paleoclimatology, numerical methods in environmental problems, heat and mass transfer and wave dispersion in porous multiphase environment.
International cooperation
1991-1994: Visiting Professor in the Polar Ice Coring Office, University of Alaska Fairbanks. USA. 1994-2004: Project management at the International Science and Technology Center. 1996, 1998-2000: Gave lectures in the Center of Theoretical Research, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan, UNAM, Mexico. 1996-1999: Co-organizer of the project CRDF (U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation). 1997-2002. Gave lectures as a part of Master’s degree program “Numerical methods in Environmental problems” in universities of Argentina, Facultad Regional de San Nicolas. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional and Universidad Nacional de San Juan.
Public activity
Member of the Expert Council at the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Laureate of the Governmental Award of the Russian Federation in education (2013), Diploma of Merit of the Rosatom State Corporation (2010), Departmental insignia of the Federal State Statistics Service – Medal “For conducting the Russian population census”, Certificate for training specialists in information security and in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of MEPhI (2012), Diploma of Merit of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (2012), Badge “Academician I.V. Kurchatov” of IV class (2012).
Vice-rector for International Affairs – Dmitriy Savkin
- Candidate of Political Sciences
- Associate Professor

Dmitry A. Savkin was born in Leningrad in 1983.
Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University in 2005.
In the period from 2005 till 2012 he worked as an assistant, assistant to the Vice Chancellor, and the Head of Department at St. Petersburg State University, supervised the university’s international strategy. He was at the origins of the Dialogue between Russian and the Republic of Korea, established at the initiative of the presidents of the two countries.
Beginning from 2012 was as Deputy Dean for science and international relations at High School of Urban Studies, National Research University High School of Economics, Moscow. In 2013 initiated the creation of the Russian language preparatory department, and created and led a new area of international student recruiting.
From 2015 till 2016 was at the position of Director of internationalization of the ION at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. During this period has created several English-language educational programs and the International Laboratory for Euro-Asian Studies, was actively engaged in the development of ties with Northeast Asia.
Since September 2016 till September 2017 Dmitry A. Savkin was a full-time professor in the leading Chinese university named after Sun Yat-sen, was engaged in research of Russian-Chinese relations, and national development projects of the leading world’s universities.
In 2017 Dmitry A. Savkin was invited to Irkutsk National Research Technical University to be Vice Chancellor and Dean, the founder of BRICS Baikal Institute which was new interdisciplinary scientific and educational greenfield in Siberia. During this period, the university entered the global rankings Times Higher Education Impact Ranking, QS for the first time.
In 2019 Dmitry A. Savkin contributed to IRNITU’s status as a unique representative of the venture capital fund of the global corporation ALIBABA in Russia, and the operator of ALI CREATE, a global competition of innovative startups.
Having been nominated by the Ministry of Science and High Education of Russia in 2020, Dmitry A. Savkin has become the national representative in ETINED, the Council of Europe Platform for Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in education.
In 2021 he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, received the award of the Eastern European Association of Universities “For Personal Contribution” for the development of international activities.
During the period from 2005 till 2022 Dmitry A. Savkin taught international relations in 15 universities all over the World. He is the author of numerous publications and three monographs in Russian, English and Chinese on international relations, foreign policy, and global education.
Beginning from December 2021, he is responsible for international strategy and development at the position of Vice Chancellor in National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”.
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs – Elena Vesna
- Doctor of Science in Psychology
- Full Professor

Elena Vesna graduated from Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University with honors majoring in Psychology, Russian Language and Literature. She received a PhD and a Doctor of Science in Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education.
Professional experience
From 1985 to 1999 E.Vesna worked as an assistant, assistant professor, associate professor and full professor at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University. She also headed the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology.
From 1999 to 2008 she held several administrative positions at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University: Vice-rector for Research, Vice-rector for Research and International Cooperation and First Vice-rector.
She started her career at MEPhI in 2008. From 2008 to 2011 she headed the Modern Educational Technologies Development Center and the Department of Education with the functions of Vice-rector for Education. From 2011 up to the present - Vice-rector. As a vice-rector of the University, Elena Borisovna Vesna is responsible for the academic policies and administering academic programs, including instruction and cooperation with industrial partners. She is in charge of coordinating the administrative and support functions of the University with its academic purposes.
Scientific experience
E.Vesna is the author of 80 scientific papers including 8 monographs and 4 study guides. The scope of her scientific research covers various fields of psychology – personality psychology, general psychology, ethnopsychology, developmental psychology in emergencies, industrial psychology, university management and university research, educational and innovative activity monitoring. She supervised 20 PhD theses and 1 Doctoral thesis on psychology.
Elena Vesna is a Doctor of Science in Psychology, Full Professor, a member of the Expert Council for Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission.
She is a laureate of the following awards:
- Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
- Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
- The second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland
- The Diploma of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
- The Diploma of Merit of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of the Russian Federation
- The Award pin “For the Contribution to the development of Nuclear Industry”.
Vice-rector – Natalia Barbashina
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Natalia Barbashina graduated from MEPhI in 1994 with a degree in Electronics and Automation of Physical Installations (the engineer-physicist qualification).
1989 - 2016 - engineer, head of laboratory, associate professor of the Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD;
2016 - 2020 deputy director, director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering (INPhE) of the MEPhI;
2020 t - Vice-Rector of MEPhI.
Academic career
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, author of over 150 scientific and educational works. The main areas of scientific research are studies of cosmic rays, physics of solar-terrestrial relations, muon diagnostics of interplanetary and near-Earth space, muon tomography, development of nuclear physical equipment - muon hodoscopes URAGAN, STsMG and a detector for muon tomography of nuclear reactors.
Vice-rector for Innovative Development – Nikolay Kargin
- Doctor of Engineering Science
- Professor

Nikolay Kargin graduated from the Ogarev Mordovia State University (Physics Faculty) in 1979.
1984 – completed PhD in physical mathematics in the Saint Petersburg State University 1990 – became Associate Professor 1998 – received Doctor of Engineering Science 1999 – became Professor.
He has risen from a Senior Assistant to Professor at high school. Work places: Ogarev Mordovia State University (1984-1986), North Caucasian Federal University (1986-2007). At MEPhI: Rector Councilor, the Head of the Perspective research department (2008-2010), the Head of Perspective research development department as a Vice-rector (2010-2013), since 2013 up to the present time is an Acting Vice-rector for Innovative development, the Head of Perspective research development department.
Academic career
His research is broadly concerned with physics and technology of wide-gap semiconductors. He has published more than 200 works (including 3 monographs, 230 scientific works and 15 academic works).
In 1998 became an Honorary Worker of Russian Higher Education. In 2007 was conferred a title of Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation. He is an assistant of a State Duma Deputy, member of the Expert Council on integration problems of education, science and industry of the State Duma Committee on Education.
Vice-rector – Nikolay Dmitriev
- Doctor of Sciences in Sociology
- Professor
Acting Vice-rector – Vladimir Uzhva
- Candidate of Technical Sciences
- Associate Professor

Vladimir Uzhva was born on April 19, 1950 in Riga.
He graduated from the Bauman MSTU (Construction and mechanical Faculty) with honors degree in 1973. 1973 - 1975 – Assistant researcher in the Bauman MSTU. 1975 – 1978 – post-graduate student in the Bauman MSTU. 1978 – 1994 – Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor in the Moscow State Industrial University (MSIU). 1994 – 1999 – Dean of the Pre-university faculty in MSIU. 1999 – 2002 – Vice-rector for Pre-university Education in MSIU. 2002 – 2008 – Vice-rector for Academic Affairs in MSIU. 2008 – 2015 – First Vice-rector in MSIU. 2015 till the present time – Vice-rector in MEPhI.
1985 – 1988 – worked in Algeria as a lecturer during his business trip.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, author of more than 50 scientific and research works.
Medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”. Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Vice-rector – Irina Balakina
Areas of responsibility:
• Organization of financial and economic activities of the university;
• Implementation of the university's personnel policy;
• Control over the procurement of goods, works, services for the needs of the university;
• Compliance with the quality indicators for university financial management established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.