To combine nuclear physics with Big Data

NRU MEPhI invites bachelor's degree graduates to enroll in the Master's program "Software Engineering and Data Analysis for High Energy Physics", which combines nuclear physics and information technology to train interdisciplinary specialists.

The Master's degree program "Software Engineering and Data Analysis for High Energy Physics" combines training in elementary particle physics with in-depth knowledge and competencies in the field of information technology.

Modern particle physics is based mainly on large-scale experiments that use large amounts of data. Work on megascience-class installations in the field of high-energy physics is associated with the widespread use of information technology. Specialists in this field should not only know physics, but also possess many IT competencies.

The Master's program includes the study of methods for processing and analyzing the results of physical experiments, the basics of system administration, and machine learning algorithms. Along with this, students master methods for recording the interaction of radiation with matter, the basics of nuclear electronics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics.

Practical and thesis papers aimed at solving current IT problems in experiments at megascience installations, and carry out projects in leading Russian and international scientific organizations that act as partners of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Graduates of the master's degree will also be able to work as data analysts, who are especially in demand in the banking sector, IT companies, and large industrial holdings.