The knowledge gained will allow young foreign specialists to realize their personal potential and contribute to the development of nuclear energy in their countries.
At the Novovoronezh NPP (a branch of the Rosenergoatom Concern, the Electric Power Division of the Rosatom State Corporation) and the Novovoronezh branch of Atomenergoremont, 15 international students from 10 Asian and African countries – Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Morocco, Cambodia, Senegal and Egypt – have completed internships. "Nuclear Physics" at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and other flagship universities of the Rosatom State Corporation.
Future nuclear scientists visited the central control panel and the block control center of the innovative power unit No. 6 of the Novovoronezh NPP with the VVER-1200 generation "3+" reactor. He is a reference; according to his project, Rosatom is building nuclear power plants in Russia and abroad.
On a full-scale simulator, the staff of the NV NPP modeled different operating modes of nuclear power plants for students, told them about the multi-stage training of Russian and foreign nuclear scientists. During the meeting, special attention was paid to the safety culture, which is given the highest priority in the operation of nuclear power plants.
"On our site, students of specialized universities will be able to learn the intricacies of the nuclear engineering profession using examples of the operation of VVER power units of different generations. Absolutely all nuclear industry specialists are trained at our training center, from the operator to the chief engineer and director of the NPP," said Vladimir Potanin, Deputy Chief Engineer for Personnel Training, head of the Novovoronezh NPP Training Center.
At the training ground of the Novovoronezh branch of Atomenergoremont, the guests were told about the types of repairs and the procedure their organizations. They introduced the basic skills of metalworking, the specifics of repairing and assembling flange connections, pumps, fittings and pipelines, and maintenance of electric motors. The students consolidated the information they received in practice by carrying out repair operations on the equipment layouts.
"It was the first time I was at an operating nuclear power plant, the scale is impressive. We are currently studying the basics of nuclear energy, so it was interesting to learn about how the safety of nuclear power plants is ensured. In the future, I would like to put this knowledge into practice by getting a job at a small nuclear power plant that Rosatom plans to build on Lake Tuskan in the Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan," said Shodlik Bozorboev, a 2nd–year graduate student at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI specializing in Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermophysics from Uzbekistan.
At the NV NPP Information Center, students were presented with Rosatom's extensive work in the development of nuclear technologies, the creation of new products, and the implementation of infrastructure projects in the cities where the nuclear industry operates.
During the tour, the guests were introduced to Novovoronezh and the facilities built under the Agreement between the Government of the Voronezh Region and the Rosatom State Corporation. The technical tour of international students was organized by the Resource Center for Practical Training of International Students, which has been operating on the site of the Novovoronezh Polytechnic Institute, a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, since 2016. With his help, about 600 international students have already completed basic practical training at the Novovoronezh NPP and the Novovoronezh branch of Atomenergoremont.