Nikolai Kudryashov is again among the most cited scientists in Russia

The TOP 2% Scientists website has published a publication about the ten most cited scientists from Russia in 2023. In second place in the list is the head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at MEPhI, Professor Nikolai Kudryashov.

At the same time, as Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Khokhlov notes in his telegram channel, Nikolai Kudryashov is actually in first place, since the first place in the list is occupied by Canadian psychologist John Berry, whose inclusion in the list of Russian scientists is due to the fact that in the most recent article he indicated the affiliation of the Higher School of Economics.

"This fact only suggests that determining a scientist's affiliation based on the affiliation of the last article is not a completely reasonable method," Alexey Khokhlov notes.

 The list of the most cited scientists is based on data from John Ioannidis of Stanford University (USA), who has long been collecting statistics on citations in journals refereed in the Scopus database.

Nikolai Kudryashov came in second place, taking into account the fact that in the Ioannides methodology citations are normalized by the average number of citations of an article in this field of science, so that citations in articles on mathematics "weigh" more than citations in most natural sciences.