On May 28-29, the IAEA Research Reactor School was held for the first time on the territory of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. Representatives of universities, research institutes, government organizations and nuclear agencies from two dozen countries visited our Research Reactor and the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technology laboratories .
Interest in the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI reactor is growing both in Russia and abroad. The reactor can be used for scientific experiments related to neutron radiation, and at the same time it is a unique training manual where you can study the principles of operation of the most important systems of any reactors. Moreover, the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI reactor has a VR analogue where users can simulate a reactor launch - this is the only reactor VR simulator in Russia.
All over the world, research reactors are being created in various countries, as a rule, before a country begins to build its own nuclear power plant. A research reactor construction within the country is an important step in the development of national nuclear energy and future nuclear power plant personnel training . Groups of specialists are forming around research reactors, who subsequently take part in the development of the nuclear industry. Hence the interest of foreign colleagues in the experience of working with our own reactor at ia, Ghana, Egypt, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and other countries attended a technical tour of the reactor and listened to a lecture on the role of research reactors in international cooperation. On May 29, they will take a tour of the university laboratories, where they will have a chance to get acquainted with the use of neutron radiation experiments in the educational process, and also see the work of the reactor lVR analog.
The event is held under the auspices of the IAEA iinvolving Rosatom Technical Academy.
We remind you that the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI has been awarded the status of the IAEA Cooperation Center.