The Master's Program "Management in the Nuclear Industry" Is Accredited by the IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) re-accredited for the next four years the master's program "Management in the nuclear industry" in the direction 38.04.02 "Management" within the framework of the International Academy of Nuclear Management at the IAEA (INMA).

In a letter dated August 2, 2023, addressed to the Rector of MEPhI, Deputy Director General of the IAEA Mikhail Chudakov notes that “taking into account the review and evaluation of the submitted information materials and the positive recommendation of the IAEA Nuclear Knowledge Management Section, the Agency is pleased to inform you that the program “Governance in the Nuclear Industry” MEPhI has been re-accredited as an INMA program for four years and that MEPhI's membership in INMA has been extended for four years from the date of this letter”.

The Nuclear Management Master's program was designed to develop a broad and deep understanding of the life cycle of nuclear technologies in future managers based on the best management practices in the nuclear context. Specific management knowledge, such as nuclear safety, safety and safeguards, a global nuclear perspective, engineering economics, public relations and ethical issues, is aimed at preparing program graduates to deal with issues of informed decision making in the nuclear power industry, at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises, in research laboratories and technical support organizations, in new nuclear projects and in government organizations.

MEPhI has been running the master's program “Management in the Nuclear Industry” since 2016, during which time more than 35 graduates from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have received master's degrees. The Faculty of Business Informatics and Complex Systems Management and the Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering are involved in the implementation of the program.