1115 Students Became Graduates of the Best Nuclear University of Russia

A sea of happiness and flowers, elegant dresses and business suits, beaming smiles and friendly hugs, balloons flying into the sky and academic caps falling to the ground… Today is the graduation ceremony at our university. 1115 people received diplomas from MEPhI - one of the best technological universities in the world!

The holiday was a success - it turned out to be noisy, cheerful, sincere. Not without gifts, treats, guests and congratulations.

“I sincerely hope that everything that you brought with you from the walls of our university - knowledge, character, friendship - you will carry through your long happy life. And everyone will succeed in the field to which they feel called,” said the rector of the university Vladimir Shevchenko, addressing the graduates.

The road will be mastered by the walking one. These words have become the motto of our university. Behind there are exams and tests, lectures and seminars. Ahead is a life full of hopes and anxieties, joys and discoveries, creative insights and adventures. Good luck!

Graduates of our university are lucky - they graduated from an excellent university, one of the best in the world. I would like the MEPhI diploma to help them find their place in life, become a pass to the leading scientific and industrial centers of the country, to the largest technological corporations and universities.