Five Reasons to Enter MEPhI: Rector's Tips

MEPhI Rector Vladimir Shevchenko gave an interview to the Junior-TV channel and told the applicants how to find their calling, how happiness differs from success, and what a university graduate will receive besides a diploma.

It is worth striving to become a student of the National Research Nuclear University in order to: plunge into a unique creative and friendly atmosphere, get a diploma from the best technical university in the world, make a successful career, become an improved version of yourself and ... feel happiness.

The atmosphere of the university in three words - honor, responsibility, challenge. I love MEPhI, I love the atmosphere of our university. I enjoy interacting with students and I enjoy the people I work with. Every good university has a lot of hardworking and talented, funny and slightly crazy people. This diversity creates that unique atmosphere that we love so much. And each university has its own.

The MEPhI graduate listens to himself and makes an informed choice. If you make a choice in favor of our university, having heard a resonance inside, then you will leave MEPhI with a diploma from one of the best technical universities in the world. And it's worth it.

There is only one recipe for success; it was formulated by Stendhal. “Trying to be yourself is the only way to be successful.” High social status, money, fame are symbols of success. There are enough stories in world culture about how people fulfill their desires to become rich and famous. At the same time, it is very difficult to understand what actually gives pleasure and gives a feeling of happiness.

The easiest thing is to deceive yourself; the hardest thing is to be honest with yourself. But if you succeed, you may find that you want to play the saxophone in a jazz club, and not deal with real estate insurance.

Rankings come and go, so the place of the university in the ranking is not so important. It is important with whom you will study, who will teach you. If you come to MEPhI, then for five years you will communicate with very smart and very cool people of different ages. And in the future, whatever you do, it will give you an impulse, a charge for life.

We say that there are few MEPhI graduates, but they are everywhere. This means that our graduate can become successful, no matter what fate rewards him with, no matter what career he chooses. A MEPhI graduate will never lose his job, unable to compete with artificial intelligence. Because he understands what he is doing. This secret of understanding, the ability to not just press buttons, but to be interested in where the wires lead, is a key skill. Therefore, we are especially fond of those children who broke toys in childhood. Of course, breaking a toy is not necessary, but wanting to know what is inside it is very important. If you have this feeling and you are ready to develop it, welcome to MEPhI.

Science is becoming more complex, but still remains feasible for man. And we constantly see the horizon beyond which we want to look. You can't jump over an abyss in two jumps, but you can move the horizon. And the structure of our world is still a miracle, a mystery, a riddle for me. I would like to keep thinking about this in the hope of finding some answers.

In general, an inquisitive person is driven by the same motives that moved Archimedes and Galileo. In this sense, little has changed in a thousand years. Of course, many new gadgets, methods, technologies have appeared, but I believe that human hearts have not changed since the time of Homer and Shakespeare. If you are interested in learning how the world works, to become the best version of yourself, we are waiting for you at MEPhI.

Happiness, as the Buddha said, is not a goal, but a path. What can be more worthy for a person than to live a happy life? The ability to listen to yourself, to understand which strings of your soul resonate with what sounds around, is the most important thing. And we talk about this to our schoolchildren and students. The inner voice is quiet, it will not necessarily lead you to external success, but it will definitely lead you to happiness.

I wish you to believe in yourself and not be afraid of anything, listen to your heart and remember that for a ship that does not know where it is sailing, not a single wind will be fair. Determine the target, raise the sail and then you will definitely catch your wind!