Novovoronezh Polytechnic College of MEPhI Became an Institute

The Novovoronezh Polytechnic College of MEPhI was transformed into the Novovoronezh Polytechnic Institute. The corresponding order was signed by the rector of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Vladimir Shevchenko.

In September 2023, the first group of students will start studying at the Novovoronezh Polytechnic Institute of MEPhI under the bachelor's program "Nuclear Energy and Thermal Physics". Subsequently, enrollment will be carried out in the areas of "Electric Power and Electrical Engineering" and "Control in Technical Systems". Work will also continue on the training of personnel on the basis of the branch in specialties and professions of secondary vocational education: "Defectoscopist ", "Power plants, networks and systems", "Nuclear power plants and installations", "Economics and accounting".

Recall that back in 2021, at the initiative of the Novovoronezh NPP, the MEPhI opened the Department of Pressurized Water Power Reactor Technology in NPPs, which was headed by NPP Director Vladimir Povarov. “To address personnel issues at nuclear industry enterprises, highly qualified employees with appropriate education are needed. The reorganization of the Novovoronezh Polytechnic College into an institute guarantees high-quality training for work at nuclear facilities, including the Novovoronezh NPP,” he said.

  “Currently, a procedure is underway to purchase equipment that meets all modern requirements for the educational process. The methodology of training specialists can be called unique. Specialists from the Novovoronezh NPP, where 2 doctors and 18 candidates of technical sciences are currently working, will be involved in the educational process to the maximum. The unique scientific and practical manuals for the operation of NPP equipment with Pressurized Water Power Reactor-1200 developed with the participation of nuclear scientists have been transferred to our library fund and will help raise education to a new level,” said Elena Bulatova, head of the Novovoronezh Polytechnic Institute.

The implementation of the project to reorganize the Polytechnic College into an institute became possible thanks to the support of the Rosatom State Corporation, including the Novovoronezh NPP and the Rosenergoatom Concern.