4 February marks the 110th anniversary of Igor Vladimirovich Savelyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Emeritus Professor of MEPhI, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Laureate of the USSR State Prize.
Professor Igor Savelyev
Igor Savelyev started working at the Physics Department of the Moscow Mechanical Institute in 1952. From 1956 to 1959, he was Deputy Director of MEPhI for academic work. In 1959 he was elected Head of the Department of General Physics, which he headed for 26 years.
For many generations of students, he was known primarily as the author of the famous "Course of General Physics", which for decades was one of the main textbooks on general physics for university students.
More information about Igor Savelyev can be found on the website of the Scientific Library of the MEPhI.