An outstanding specialist in theoretical and experimental nuclear physics, plasma physics, laser thermonuclear fusion, nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, Radiy Ivanovich Ilkayev became a full Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland". The scientist was awarded the order for the great contribution to the development of the national science, labor achievements and strengthening of spiritual traditions.
The President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that the authority of the outstanding physicist is "truly indisputable in the scientific community. "His research developments, fruitful organisational and pedagogical activities serve the formation of a reliable nuclear shield and the realisation of Russia's rich scientific potential," Vladimir Putin said.
In his response, the scientist thanked the head of state for the high appreciation of his work.
"There are now very serious tasks at the nuclear centre, including for the first time in the world we have to ensure the reliability, safety and effectiveness of nuclear weapons without nuclear tests. We can do it, but the physics, mathematics and scientific personnel must be world-class. We are very pleased that you supported the creation of the National Centre for Physics and Mathematics in Sarov. We hope that it will become a powerful physics and mathematics centre where all these areas I was talking about will undoubtedly be world-class, just as it has always been in nuclear weapons," said Radiy Ilkayev.