On December 9, the MEPhI Development Program was defended as part of the Priority 2030 state program. Both the prospects of the university's plans and the work done in 2021-2022 were evaluated.
From December 9 to 11, teams from 45 universities receiving a special part of the grant under the Priority 2030 program will present the results of their work for 2021–2022. University reports are reviewed by the Grants Council under the leadership of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Valery Falkov. University teams led by rectors report on the research, development, creation of high technology products and implemented projects.
MEPhI Rector Vladimir Shevchenko noted that the identity of a nuclear university graduate implies a combination of the competencies of a development engineer and a researcher:
“MEPhI is more than a nuclear university,” he said. - We directed half of the grant funds received under the Priority 2030 program to the development of our scientific infrastructure. Now, by 2030, we plan to enter the world's top 5 leading universities in nuclear and related education and the top 100 universities in two new research areas for us.”
Vladimir Shevchenko recalled that the university today is the leader among Russian universities in terms of participation in international projects. “At the moment, we are actively implementing R&D in synchrotron and neutron research. In addition, we have signed a number of agreements with leading technology companies and continue to conduct research and develop products that meet their needs,” the rector emphasized.