On October 29, more than 200 teachers and graduates of different years celebrated the anniversary of the University Lyceum No. 1511. Since 1982, future mathematicians, physicists, nuclear physicists, biophysicists, engineers, programmers have been studying and educating here. Most of whom later became students of MEPhI.
Anniversary celebrations at the University Lyceum No. 1511
The educational institution was founded as Physics and Mathematics School No. 542 (one of the first schools in Moscow with such a status), and today it is University Lyceum No. 1511, which is part of the Pre-University of the MEPhI. The "biography" of the lyceum became the basis of the holiday with the participation of graduates of different generations.
The orchestra of the cadet corps opened the event in the assembly hall of the lyceum. MEPhI Rector Vladimir Shevchenko delivered a welcoming speech. He noted the special atmosphere of the holiday, stressed that it was nice to see different generations of graduates in the hall. As a birthday gift, the rector presented a certificate for the landscaping of the lyceum territory.
Then three generations of lyceum students performed literary, musical and dance numbers. The final chord was the performance of two choirs: boys of 10-11 grades of the lyceum and the famous MEPhI Academic Male Choir. Lyceum students sang the anthem of the lyceum, and the masters - the anthem of the students and several works of their concert program.
“Once upon a time, there was a youth choir in the lyceum, then the lyceum students became students of MEPhI and continued choir classes already at the university,” said Marina Mazurina, head of the lyceum.
Today, out of 45 teachers of the lyceum, 15 are its graduates, and active teachers of MEPhI work at lyceum specialized departments. The university and the lyceum continue to work in close cooperation: curricula in specialized subjects are developed by the lyceum teachers and MEPhI teachers, special elective courses developed by the MEPhI institutes have a pre-professional focus and are conducted at, among other things, in the laboratories and research centers of the university.
“Building their educational trajectory according to an individual curriculum, lyceum students today can choose specific areas of study at the university. We educate children in such a way that they are in love with their subjects and in the future they are aimed at entering MEPhI,” emphasizes Marina Mazurina.