Elsevier publishing house has published an annual ranking of the most cited scientists in the world by the number of mentions in Scopus. In total, there are about 200 thousand scientists in the ranking, including 910 Russian ones, and five of them represent MEPhI.
The updated Elsevier ranking includes:
Nikolai Kudryashov, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the MEPhI;
Andrey Maimistov, Professor of the LapLaz Institute of the MEPhI;
Igor Nabiev, Head of the Laboratory of Nanobioengineering of the MEPhI;
Olga Ogorodnikova, Senior Researcher, Laboratory "Physical and Chemical Processes in Thermonuclear Facility Walls" of the MEPhI;
Alexey Samsonovich, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Cybernetic Intelligent Systems of the MEPhI.
Boris Dolgoshein, former head of the Department of Elementary Particle Physics of the MEPhI, who died in 2010, also appears in the ranking.
The ranking is calculated by the total number of citations over the entire career of a scientist based on normalized indicators for a particular field of science, excluding self-citations. The calculation was made using all Scopus author profiles as of September 1, 2022, updated until the end of citation year 2021.