Scientists investigate influence of electromagnetic fields on parameters of aquatic environment in long-term space flight

During a long-term space flight, constant monitoring of the surrounding electromagnetic environment plays an important role. It is known that the water environment is one of the elements most sensitive to the influence of the electromagnetic field, moreover the water environment is a necessary component of human life. That is why, the staff of the MEPhI Department №11 (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.G. Bondarenko and leading engineer I.S. Markina) proposed to continuously registrate the main parameters of the aquatic environment, such as electrical conductivity and temperature, so that to study the influence of the electromagnetic field on them. A model of a portable installation for continuous recording of the above-mentioned parameters of the aquatic environment in a long-term space flight was developed and tested. The sensitive element is a portable cell with high-purity water.

Portable cell with high purity water

An important advantage of the device is the existence of an input digital filter in it, which cut-off frequency automatically changes when the ADC sampling frequency is switched programmatically and is ~1/4 of the ADC digitization frequency. Such characteristics of the digitizing device provide a good amplitude resolution of the installation and, thus, provide reliable performance of the task.

Scientists measured the native resolution of the device in electromagnetic background registration mode in the range of the ADC to ±156 mV. In this mode, the amplitude resolution of the instrument FWHM does not exceed 50 mkV, which allows you to record relatively weak effects (e.g., from shielded external electromagnetic background).