Ph.D. Supervisor in engineering and technology

Pavel G. Struchalin - Candidate of Science, Associate Professor.

University: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).

English proficiency: B1/B2.

Educational program and field of the educational program for which the applicant will be accepted: 2.4.9 Nuclear installation, fuel cycle, radiation safety.

List of Research Projects:

Analysis of liquid flow parameters fluctuations in channels to predict the flow and heat exchange regime (participation);

Creation a thermal properties database of nuclear energy materials (participation);

Study of the pool boiling in case of a transient heat flux into the liquid (participation).

List of the topics offered for the prospective scientific research:

  1. Study of body motion with acceleration in a liquid;
  2. Development of a universal hydrodynamic flow loop;
  3. Study of the pool boiling process in case of a transient heat flux into the liquid;
  4. Analysis of liquid flow parameters fluctuations in channels to predict the flow and heat transfer regimes;
  5. Creation of a thermal properties database of nuclear energy materials.

Supervisor’s research area: Nuclear physics and technology.

Supervisor’s research interests:

Experimental study of heat exchange and hydrodynamics in heat exchange and mass exchange equipment, power engineering; experimental research methods; thermophysical properties of materials.

Supervisor’s specific requirements:

A potential candidate should have background in nuclear physics, engineering, thermal physics and hydrodynamics. To know and understand the general operating principle of various power equipment, and the processes occurring in them. The candidate should have experience in performing experimental research from the stage of planning an experiment, developing an experimental methodology and creating an experimental setup to the stage of obtaining, analyzing and physically interpreting the results. The candidate should be able to work independently and in a team, and be able to solve non-standard problems.

Supervisor’s main publications:

18 publications over the past 5 years.

The most significant:

  • Boris V. Balakin, Yu-Fen Chang, Mona Øynes, Pavel G. Struchalin, Plugging of pipes by cohesive particles. Computed tomography investigation and theoretical analysis, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 296, 2024,120214;
  • Saparbayeva, N.; Balakin, B.V.; Struchalin, P.G.; Rahman, T.; Alyaev, S. Application of Machine Learning to Predict Blockage in Multiphase Flow. Computation 2024, 12, 67.
  • Pavel G. Struchalin, Vegar H. Øye, Pawel Kosinski, Alex C. Hoffmann, Boris V. Balakin, Flow loop study of a cold and cohesive slurry. Pressure drop and formation of plugs, Fuel, Volume 332, Part 2, 2023, 126061;
  • M.I. Pisarevsky, A.S. Korsun, P.G. Struchalin, V.N. Fedoseev, Method for calculating the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of a coaxial heat exchanger with rough walls, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 192, 2022,122917;
  • P.G. Struchalin, V.S. Yunin, K.V. Kutsenko, O.V. Nikolaev, A.A. Vologzhannikova, M.P. Shevelyova, O.S. Gorbacheva, B.V. Balakin, Performance of a tubular direct absorption solar collector with a carbon-based nanofluid, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 179, 2021, 121717.