Ph.D. Supervisor in engineering and technology

Nikolay N. Samotaev - Candidate of Science, Associate Professor.

University: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).

English proficiency: Fluent.

Educational program and field of the educational program for which the applicant will be accepted: 2.2.2 Electronic component base of micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices.

List of Research Projects:

In international projects, experience in joint grants from the IraSME AIF Project GmbH program and the Foundation for the Promotion of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the Russian Federation (FASIE) (2017-2021).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Head/actual responsible executor of 4 projects within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2021" (2017-2021).

Scientific director of the laboratory "Low-temperature ceramic Technologies (LTCC) in microelectronics", created and funded within the framework of the state assignment.

Russian Science Foundation, Head of the successfully completed project No. 18-79-10230 "Investigation of the mechanism of gas sensitivity of semiconductor MD structures" (2018-2023).

List of the topics offered for the prospective scientific research:

  1. Thermal Conductivity Gas Sensors for High-Temperature Applications;
  2. Thick and thin Cu Metallization of Al2O3 and AlN ceramic;
  3. Gas sensor for ignition monitoring of lithium-ion batteries;
  4. Oxygen sensor based on the thermomagnetic effect;
  5. Field-effect sensor for measuring microconcentrations of hydrogen during geological exploration;
  6. Development of a miniature MEMS thermalcatalytic sensor for natural gas leak detection;
  7. Development of a miniature metal oxide sensor for monitoring the LEL of combustible gases.

Supervisor’s research area: Electric engineering and electronics.

Supervisor’s research interests: Ceramic MEMS, metal oxide gas-sensitive sensors, field gas-sensitive sensors, laser technologies for ceramic processing, metal-ceramic housings for electronic components, high-temperature electronics, LTCC and HTCC technologies.

Research highlights: Use of unique equipment. Interaction with foreign scientists and research centers.

Supervisor’s specific requirements:

Willingness to participate in scientific activities in the field of research; to test the results of scientific activities, including presentations at Russian and (or) international conferences; to design publications in peer-reviewed domestic and (or) foreign scientific journals and publications. Good knowledge of English and basics of 3D modeling.

Supervisor’s main publications:

27 publications in journals indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI over the past 5 years.

The most significant:

  • Podlepetsky, B., Samotaev, N., Etrekova, M., Litvinov, A., Structure and Technological Parameters’ Effect on MISFET-Based Hydrogen Sensors’ Characteristics, Sensors, (2023), 23, 3273. – https://
  • Samotaev, N., Litvinov, A., Oblov, K., Etrekova, M., Podlepetsky, B., Dzhumaev, P., Combination of Material Processing and Characterization Methods for Miniaturization of Field-Effect Gas Sensor, Sensors (2023), 23, 514. –   
  • Litvinov, A., Etrekova, M., Podlepetsky, B., Samotaev, N., Oblov, K., Afanasyev, A., Ilyin, V., MOSFE-Capacitor Silicon Carbide-Based Hydrogen Gas Sensors, Sensors (2023), 23, 3760. –
  • Etrekova M.O. et al., TIR-condenser hydrogen sensors based on SiC, Datchiki i Systemy, 3, 2023, pp. 40-45. DOI: 10.25728/datsys.2023.3.9 [in Russian]
  • Podlepetsky B.I. et al., Methods and tools for evaluating the characteristics of MDP-condenser gas-sensitive sensors, Datchiki i Systemy, 4, 2022, pp. 28-37. DOI: 10.25728/datsys.2022.4.5        [in Russian]

Results of intellectual activity:

More than 10 patents in the last 5 years.

The most significant:

  • Patent of the Russian Federation No. 196427 "Ceramic housing for a gas–sensitive semiconductor sensor", priority dated 12/20/2019, registered on 02/28/2020, authors: Oblov K.Yu., Samotaev N.N., Onishchenko E.M., Filipchuk D.V.
  • Patent of the Russian Federation No. 196983 "Gas sensor", priority dated 07.11.2019, registered 03/23/2020, authors: Oblov K.Yu., Samotaev N.N., Etrekova M.O., Onishchenko E.M., Filipchuk D.V.
  • Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2730331 "Method of electrochemical extraction of precious metals from secondary raw materials", priority dated 06.12.2019, registered 08/21/2020, authors: Antonov A. A., Samotaev N.N.
  • Patent of the Russian Federation No. 194300 "Volumetric AC electrode for the extraction of precious metals", priority dated 12/27/2018, registered on 12/05/2019, authors: Antonov A. A., Samotaev N. N., Tsarev G.A.
  • Patent of the Russian Federation No. 196460 "Electrolyzer for the extraction of platinum group metals from spent catalysts and metal concentrates of platinoids based on iron and copper", priority dated 12/20/2019, registered 03/22/2020, authors: Antonov A. A., Samotaev N.N., Kirichenko A. S.