Program name | Language of tuition | Duration of study, years | Tuition fee, Cost per semester, rub. |
Bachelor |
Applied Mathematics and Informatics 01.03.02 | |||
Applied Mathematics in Computer Systems of Information Processing and Control
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)"The aim of the program is to produce highly qualified bachelors in applied mathematics and computer science in information processing and control systems to ensure the nuclear and other branches of the modern industry. Even for the first and the second years, along with the general mathematical and scientific training, the emphasis is placed on:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)"The training includes the disciplines of the specialty units:
Along with the classical methods of information processing and control, students are familiarized with modern methods, such as
Considerable attention is paid to research work as individual training students in the field of applied research in which they are interested. Students have practice in the scientific laboratories of the department, at industrial enterprises, and leading academic and industrial organizations and firms. Manager of the ProgramAlexey D. Modyaev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 213 460 |
Applied Mathematics and Physics 03.03.01 | |||
Applied Mathematics and Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Program goals: high-school professionally-oriented education allowing the graduates to efficiently work in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics research. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional area of the graduates: research work in physics based on the essential use of the methods of theoretical and mathematical physics and mathematical modeling. Research subjects theoretical studies of physical phenomena in nature and technique, numerical experiment, analysis, interpretation and planning of experiments and calculations for engineering problems. Curriculum of the bachelor programOver the first two years, bachelor students are expected to complete the basic courses in mathematics, including Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and Complex Analysis, and introductory courses of physics (general physics) including labs. Next two years are devoted to the basic fundamental course of theoretical physics. In this period, the disciplines include Classical Mechanics, Classical Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Fluid and Gas Dynamics, Macroscopic Electrodynamics, Quantum Field Theory, Physical Kinetics, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics, Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics, Equations of Mathematical Physics and Theory of Probabilities. In addition to the basic curriculum, students may choose some optional, more specialized disciplines. Bachelor research work Bachelor students start their research work in the 6th semester. Each student gets his/her scientific supervisor either from the university of from some research institution. The list of institutions includes leading Russian research centers, such as the National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Spectroscopy, Federal Nuclear Centers, and others. During three semesters, the students pick up basic research skills and prepare their bachelor thesis. Bachelor thesis and finishing examination The four-year study concludes by a bachelor thesis completed under the supervision of a scientific adviser. The thesis defense consists of the finishing examination summarizing all the basic courses in physics and mathematics a student has studied in four years and the defense of the thesis itself; the latter has a form of a 15-minutes talk with questions and discussion. The program of the finishing examination coincides with the one for the entering master examination, so that those students who have successfully passed this examination and defended the thesis are directly admitted for one of the master programs. Additional informationResearch bachelorship -> mastership (three master programs) -> PhD program -> Federal Nuclear Centers, research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Special programs for the graduates: "Education of Personnel for the Federal Nuclear Centers," "Education of Personnel for Russian Research Centers," "Program of Innovation Development of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". Manager of the ProgramNikolay B. Narozhny Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 230 100 |
Physics 03.03.02 | |||
Physics of Kinetics Phenomena
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The objectives are to prepare graduates to research and industrial activities in the fields of kinetics phenomena; at the stage of graduate training, to provide basic humanitarian, mathematics, natural sciences and professional knowledge, specialized competencies; give graduates skills in the professional field and to prepare for the Master's Degree. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesFields and objects of professional activity: Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum retains the traditional fundamental knowledge principles of engineers training and includes physical, mathematical and engineering disciplines. It also includes a lot of special disciplines, for example, physical kinetics of gases, methods and techniques for the study of physical and chemical phenomena, introduction into experimental techniques, special chapters of physics of separation processes, fundamentals of molecular selective devices, fundamentals of the membrane technology, physical basis of the separation of mixtures, etc. Practice: Research Practice (during the 3rd and 4th courses). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentOrganizations for practice:
Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramVladimir D. Borman Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 176 410 |
International Relations 41.03.05 | |||
International Scientific and Technological Cooperation
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The Institute of International Relations was founded in March 1999 on the initiative of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and a number of other ministries and departments to prepare graduates on the specialty "International Relations," specialization "International Scientific and Technological Cooperation." Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The basis of the curriculum is the federal educational standard of the educational program of higher professional education on the specialty "International Relations" consisting of 6 educational modules:
The curriculum includes the study of the first (basic) foreign language (English) for 7 semesters and a second language (at student's option), German, French, Chinese, or Spanish for 6 semesters. Higher mathematics and general physics are studied in the course of 3 semesters. The educational base for a graduate of the Institute of International Relations of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI guarantees
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentA graduate of the Institute of International Relations in accordance with the received knowledge can easily realized himself in any of the basic directions of public and international activity, such as
Under the conditions of expansion of participation of the Russian state and non-governmental organizations in international projects and promotion of their activities on the world market, the role of managers that are capable of choosing the perspective scientific and technical achievements and are professionally engaged in promotion of hi-tech products on foreign markets for the legal, financial and organizational support of projects, as well as the influence of such managers (graduates of our Institute) is becoming the crucial factor of the innovative development. Additional informationTeachers, students and magistrates of the Institute take an active part in the realization of the current projects of the nuclear industry. In particular, they ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the preparation of the leading staff for the representative offices of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" in key countries, such as the United States, France, Japan, and China. The students of the Institute demonstrated the high quality of their abilities during staying at international schools on nuclear problems in England, the Republic of Korea, and China. Manager of the ProgramEvgeny M. Morozov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 163 800 |
Economics 38.03.01 | |||
Accounting, Analysis, and Audit
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The target model of management of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom," its businesses and organizations provides economic integration of all elements of the model (strategic management, risk ,market and production management, development of economic and financial system including accounting and auditing, investment portfolio management, etc.) to ensure the necessary level of their development. Educational trajectory is built so that graduates have competencies allowing them to work at any of the enterprises and organizations of the State Corporation "Rosatom," providing a wide continuity of human resources in the labor market. One of the conditions to improve the financial and economic power of the State Corporation "Rosatom" is the change of the financial and accounting services of enterprises from accounting format in analytical and conduction of methodological and organizational unification through the introduction of the uniform chart of accounts, uniform accounting policies, and other elements of unification of the organizational structures of the financial and economic bloc. The educational trajectory provides graduates with the necessary skills to work in a wide range of organizations of the domestic nuclear industry. The purpose of the program is the training of qualified personnel in the field of accounting, auditing and analysis. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesArea of professional activity: formation of the accounting system of the organization, internal control of financial and economic analysis of economic activity, auditing, and consulting. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduates: work in economic, financial and accounting services, organizations of all forms of ownership and activities of government at the federal, regional and municipal levels, banks, accounting and consulting firms, and tax offices; organization and management of the department of internal control and audit; and others. Types of professional activity of graduates: settlement and economic, analytical, organizational, managerial, and teaching activities. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum provides all the necessary competencies for gaining theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of modern types of accounting and formation of the accounting (financial) statements. The ability to analyze complex results of organizations' activities and allocate relevant information. The ability to audit the accounting (financial) statements and to have sufficient knowledge of international standards of financial reporting and apply it in practice. The ability to find relevant information in a variety of disciplines to solve difficult and complex problems, evaluate alternatives, and an opportunity to understand the role of professional judgment in their decision. The program focuses on the legal and mathematical training, study of software products for the automation of accounting, auditing and financial calculations. Practices.
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of enterprises for practice: State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom," OAO Atomenergoprom, JSC TVEL Fuel Company, JSC ASE, JSC Grinatom, Rosenergoatom, Federal Tax Service in Moscow, Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, JSC TENEX, JSC AyeSDzhi - Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia BV (Netherlands), CJSC KPMG, LLC Rosexpertiza company FBC, LLC STACK-AUDIT Insurance company ROSNO, OJSC NOMOS-BANK, OJSC URALSIB, LLC Redl and partners Audit, JSC VTB, Sberbank of Russia, etc. Additional informationProposed educational trajectories: Bachelor - companies of the industry; Bachelor - Master enterprise sector; Bachelor - Master - Post-graduate Training Department of MEPhI. Programs planned for training: "Training for research centers," "Program of Innovative Development of the Rosatom State Corporation," etc. Manager of the ProgramIrina P. Komissarova Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 105 820 |
Mathematical and Economic Modeling in Business
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Targets and specificity of economic training at the EAI: learning of mathematical and instrumental methods in economics and management, modeling of business process and corporative information management, strategic forecasting and innovative project management under conditions of economic globalization, finances and business. Major government and commercial companies associated with high technology business hire EAI graduates with pleasure. Graduates manage huge program pack like ARIS, BOSS-CORPORATION, Project Expert, Primavera, SAP, Metastock, etc. One of the conditions for developing financial economical cluster of major companies and a high technology holding company like State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom," "Rostec," and others is conversion of companies - economic services from accounting to economic analytic format based on the newest information technologies. Information technologies are the economic sector which is referred to the driving force of country modernization and is badly in need of highly professional manpower trained by the EAI. The education program provides educational and manufacturing practice at high technology companies, including State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" (Rosenergoatom Concern, Atomstroyexport, Techsnabexport, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, GreenAtom, etc.) also in a row of commercial structures, for example, JSC Audit-Consulting Group Business Systems Development included in Crowe Horwath International, in big banks and insurance companies. Bachelor's training implies participation of students and graduates in implementation of a number of federal and industrial programs, for example, "Information-Oriented Society (2011-2020)," "Program of Innovative Development of Rosatom," "Research and Developments for Priority Development Directions of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013," "Programs of Transformation of Information Technologies of Rosatom for 2010-2014," etc. Additional informationThe program of continous training: Bachelor's Degree-Master of Science-Post Graduate. Manager of the ProgramAnna I. Guseva Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 105 820 |
Management 38.03.02 | |||
Project Management in Innovation Economys
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The program is aimed at preparing highly qualified managers of the international level to work in Russian and foreign organizations in the field of project management, intellectual property and commercialization of research and development (R&D) in the interests of innovative development of high-tech sectors of the domestic industry in the age of economic globalization. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The educational program provides in-depth theoretical and professional development in the field of investment and innovative project management based on international standards and advanced software, as well as in the field of mathematical, strategic, and economic analysis of business processes. Students use unique software packages for modeling and project management and business process management. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentIn the course of the educational program, students are provided with opportunities to undergo practical training at leading high-tech enterprises, including those of the State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom), Rosenergoatom Concern, Joint-Stock Company Atomstroyexport, JSC Techsnabexport - brand name TENEX; at Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (Moscow), Greenatom CJSC (Moscow), etc.; as well as at a number of commercial structures, such as Business Systems Development, a member of CroweHorwathInternational - one of the leading auditing and consulting networks in the world, at major banks and insurance companies. Specialization in Management involves students in a number of Federal and Industry research programs, for example, "The Information Society (2011-2020 years)," "Innovative development program of Rosatom," "Research and Development on Priority Directions of Scientific-Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013," "Information Technology Transformation Program of Rosatom for the Period of 2010-2014," etc. The EAI staff contributes to the employment of graduates at enterprises and institutions, with which the EAI has agreements on cooperation in the training and employment of personnel. The Employment and Career Center of the MEPhI helps graduates in finding suitable positions. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramAlexandr I. Ageyev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 105 820 |
Business Informatics 38.03.05 | |||
Business Informatics in High-Technology Industry
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The purpose and specifics of economic education at the EAI: development of mathematical and instrumental methods in economy and management, business-process modeling and management of corporate information, strategic forecasting and management of innovative projects under the conditions of globalization of economics, finances, and business. In the training process, students learn to manage huge program pack for business process modeling and management (ARIS, BOSS-CORPORATION, Project Expert, Primavera, SAP, Metastock etc.). One of conditions for enhancement of the financial and economic block of big companies and high-technology holdings, such as the state corporations "Rosatom," "Russian Technologies," and others, consists in transferring economic departments from format accounting to economical and analytical accounting on the basis of the latest information technologies. Information technologies in the economic sector, which is referred to the driving forces for country modernization and is in great need in highly professional manpower, are trained by the EAI. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The occupational category for Bachelors includes:
The educational program provides educational and manufacturing practice at high technology companies, including State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" (Rosenergoatom Concern, Atomstroyexport, Techsnabexport, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, GreenAtom, etc.) also in a row of commercial structures, for example, JSC Audit-Consulting Group Business Systems Development, included in the Crowe Horwath International, in big banks, and insurance companies. Training of bachelors assumes participation of students and graduates in implementation of federal and industrial programs, for example, "Information-Oriented Society (2011-2020)," "Program of Innovative Development of Rosatom," "Research and Development in the Priority Directions of the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013," "Programs of Transformation of Information Technologies of Rosatom for 2010-2014," etc. Programs in Russian only Admission features of foreign citizens to MEPhI The cost of educational services for foreign citizens Bachelor's Degree Program "Technological Entrepreneurship" Field of study: "Business Informatics" Duration of training: 4 years, 240 credits Course delivery language: russian Basic department: Institute of Innovation Management, Igor V. Prokhorov, e-mail: The program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master's Degree - Post Graduate The target model of enterprise management provides the economic integration of all elements of the model (strategic management, risk management, market management, production management, development of economic and financial system, including accounting and auditing, investment portfolio management, etc.) to provide the required level of its development. Educational trajectory is built so that graduates have the competencies that allow them to work at any enterprise or organization (e.g., at State Corporation "Rosatom"). Brief description of the program The main objective is the training of Bachelors in economics, management, law, and information and communication technologies (ICTs), engaged in the design, implementation, analysis and support of corporate information systems. Training period: 4 years Professional activity area of Bachelors includes:
Professional activity objects of Bachelors are:
Brief description of the curriculum, features of educational process on the program, the main basic and specialized disciplines. The attractive parts of the program. Commercial structures and public administration demand the following IT professionals: systems analysts, business and IT consultants, IT project managers, and organizers of e-business. Competencies formed by curriculum allow us to solve the following problems: modeling and optimization of business processes, organization of corporate information systems, analytical decision support in business management, planning and organization of the execution of IT projects at various levels of difficulty. Education features a combination of deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the senior students of bachelor's and master's degree receive practical experience in the partner firms. Practices Practical training is carried out in the weeks of theoretical training in the 4th semester. Manufacturing Practice (2 weeks for bachelors of the 3rd course: July 6-19). Pre-diploma Practice (2 weeks for bachelors of the 4th course: from May 25 to June7). Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramAnna I. Guseva Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 105 820 |
Information Security 10.03.01 | |||
![]() Objects of the professional activityThe objects of Ba. (cybersecurity) professional activities involve:
A great numbers of classes are conducted in specialized laboratories equipped with modern hardware and software devices. A specific aspect of the Ba. Program is that along with the compulsory disciplines students do customized programs of subjects introduced by the MEPhI at the request of employers. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)List of Special Subjects:
Practical Research:
Additional informationOne of the priorities of the greater number of states is developing an information society on the basis of telecommunication technologies which in turn demands a complex infrastructure to provide electronic services for the population. Such a task in Russia can be quite realizable since computers, mobile means of communication, software and telecommunication systems cover practically all spheres of human activities, society and state. Along with it, the scientific progress and development and global distribution of digital technologies, the Internet in particular, have brought about launch and propagation of cyberthreats. Now an ever growing number of criminals try to use technical potentials of computer, software and the Internet, and mobile systems. In the experts evaluation the rates of cyber crime in the Internet are growing fastest on the planet. According to the data of Kaspersky Lab Ltd., up to 70 000 new malware programs appear annually. The list of potent threats includes spum, phishing, network attacks on companies, infrastructures as well as target and DDoS attacks and potential vulnerability in software. Incidents in IT security frequently result in losses of financial data (13%), intellectual property (13%), client bases (12%) and confidential staff information (12%). Professional activity of the Ba. (cybersecurity) centers on the scientific area, technologies and methods related to the problems of ensuring cybersecurity and protection of information systems in different threat scenarios. The Department Graduate must be competent in:
The program realized at the department permits students later to continue studies for the qualification of Master of Science: The customized programs are motivated by the President's Acts and decisions of Scientific and Technical Council of the Military and Industrial Complex of 2011-2013. The major programs include "Training Specialists for Scientific Centers", "Innovation Development Program of Rosatom St. Corp." and for the priority direction "Technologies of Processing, Storage, Transmission and Protection of Information" in accordance with the Directives of the RF Security Council on the Strategy of Development of the RF Information society, the Priorities Problems in the research of Information security in the RF, the main trends of research in ensuring the RF information security, etc. The graduates can apply for employment at Rosenergoatom Corp., Greenatom Ltd., Scientific Research Institution of Atomic Power Stations, Federal Service of Russia, Central Bank of the RF, Federal Center of Information Technologies and Systems., AK Central Scientific Research Institute of Control Systems, Inpartex Co., CryptoPro Ltd., Active Ltd., Institute of Informatics of the Russian Academy of Science, Atlas NSC, Crok Incorporated, Kaspersky Lab Ltd., Russian Savings Bank, Vneshtorgbank, Vnesheconombank, Gusprombank, Russian Standard Bank, Lins M Co., Amicon Co., Factor IT Co., etc. Manager of the ProgramVitaliy G. Ivanenko Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 230 100 |
Nuclear Power engineering and Thermal Physics 14.03.02 | |||
Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Brief description of the program. Goal: Bachelor knowing experimental nuclear physics and cosmic physics, the foundations of nuclear physics and particle physics, capable of using the knowledge gained in the research work for improving experimental techniques in nuclear physics and cosmic physics, preparing and conducting an experiment in these areas, analyzing and interpreting its results, as well as for solving fundamental problems of nuclear and particle physics. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduates: Bachelors focus on their research work in the field of experimental nuclear physics and cosmic physics. Graduates may participate in preparation and conduction of various experiments in nuclear physics and space physics (including the design and construction of detectors of elementary particles and radiation), as well as in processing and analysis of experimental data. Knowledge gained allows them to participate in theoretical predictions and interpretation of nuclear physics and space experiments (using accelerators in space physics). Graduates can work at MEPhI, enterprises of the nuclear industry, Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Research and Production Corporation "Space Monitoring Systems, Information & Control and Electromechanical Complexes" named after A.G. Iosifian, enterprises of the Russian Federal Space Agency, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Space Research Institute, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino), Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute, at international research centers Saclay (France), DESY (Germany), etc. In addition, graduates can continue their education to obtain a master's degree at the Graduate Department. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Feature of the curriculum, especially the educational process on the program, the main basic and specialized disciplines. The attractive part of the program. The curriculum includes more than 60 courses, including the choice. The courses provide the basic physical and mathematical training, both theoretical and practical training in experimental nuclear physics and space physics. Students have the opportunity to choose the direction of training within the SEC "Micro- and Space Physics" named after V.G. Kirillov-Ugryumov, focused on experiments in cosmic physics, space physics, and neutrino physics in space and on ground-based installations, as well as on the fundamental interactions at particle accelerators. Within these areas, in-depth study of the experimental techniques, methods for radiation detection, detectors for particle physics, nuclear electronics, measurement techniques, as well as computer processing and analysis of experimental data are realized. Additional informationProgram Managers: V.V. Dmitrenko, V.M. Grachev, and S.V Koldashov Manager of the ProgramViktor M. Grachev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Physics of charged particle beams and electrophysical facilities
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Program goals: professional orientated high education, entitling graduated student successfully work in fields of nuclear and radiation physics, nuclear materials and technologies; possess both general and object-specific qualifications leading to social mobility and stability on labor market. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional areas: research and development of technologies for:
Professional skills:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Professional practice facilities: charged particle accelerators, electronic systems of nuclear and physical facilities, automation and control systems of nuclear installations, microwave and ionizing radiation influence on human and environment, medical radiation technologies, mathematical models for elementary particle physics theoretical and experimental study, environment and ecological study, safety of nuclear materials, nuclear industrial and power generation facilities.
Education curriculum: Major feature of this educational program is in merged and fundamental training in physics, mathematics and engineering. It allows students to master in basic and special topics. Scientific research made out by students during education is closely connected with researches carried out in basic department, RAS institutions and Rosatom research subsidiaries. Basic and special topics: Physics of charged particle beams and accelerator physics, Radio technics, High-frequency technics, Vacuum technics, Physical electronics, Electrodynamics, Electronic devices physics, Theoretical mechanics, Development automation, Microwave systems, Electronic systems of electrophysical facilities. Practical training: Scientific industrial (3rd year, 6th to 19 July) Scientific research (4th year, individual student scientific research and educational tasks). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentPractice take place at: Leading Russian scientific centers; Rosatom facilities, high-tech medical centers, Russian academy of sciences institutions, international collaborations with Russian participation. Additional informationProgram Managers: V.V. Dmitrenko, V.M. Grachev, and S.V Koldashov Manager of the ProgramViktor M. Grachev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Electronics and automatics in physical facilities
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Program goals: professional orientated high education, entitling graduated student successfully work in fields of nuclear and radiation physics, nuclear materials and technologies; possess both general and object-specific qualifications leading to social mobility and stability on labor market. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional areas:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Professional practice facilities: charged particle accelerators, electronic systems of nuclear and physical facilities, automation and control systems of nuclear installations, microwave and ionizing radiation influence on human and environment, medical radiation technologies, mathematical models for elementary particle physics theoretical and experimental study, environment and ecological study, safety of nuclear materials, nuclear industrial and power generation facilities. Education curriculum: Major feature of this educational program is in merged and fundamental training in physics, mathematics and engineering. It allows students to master in basic and special topics. Scientific research made out by students during education is closely connected with researches carried out in basic department, RAS institutions and Rosatom research subsidiaries. Basic and special topics: Physics of charged particle beams and accelerator physics, Radio technics, High-frequency technics, Vacuum technics, Physical electronics, Electrodynamics, Electronic devices physics, Theoretical mechanics, Development automation, Microwave systems, Electronic systems of electrophysical facilities. ractical training: Scientific industrial (3rd year, 6th to 19 July) Scientific research (4th year, individual student scientific research and educational tasks). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentPractice take place at: Leading Russian scientific centers; Rosatom facilities, high-tech medical centers, Russian academy of sciences institutions, international collaborations with Russian participation. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science. Professional skills:
Manager of the ProgramAndrey N. Didenko Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Nuclear Physics and Technologies
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The program is aimed at bringing up specialists in the areas of information technologies and engineering of nuclear systems and holding physical experiments. The bachelor's degree program provides the graduate with the basic technical, physical, mathematical, social and economics knowledge, both universal and practically oriented. The graduate of the program may either take the master's degree program or work successfully in the areas of design and operation of IT systems in nuclear industry, research of nuclear materials and technologies. The knowledge and skills The object of the four-year Bachelor's degree program is to give the student knowledge and skills in the following fields of nuclear science:
Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional areas: The graduates of the program work in the research, design and engineering areas in nuclear and other high-tech industries. They may become engineers, assistants, technicians and research associates in Rosatom R&D companies and nuclear industry as well as successfully apply the Master's degree program. The graduate's professional skills are applied at:
The education program is aimed at the national specialists programs such as "Education of specialists for scientific centers", "New generation nuclear energy technologies for the period of 2010-2020", "The Rosatom program of innovation development", "The national technological base". Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Education The program follows the tradition of fundamental and practical education of engineers-physics. The basic parts of the program include physical, mathematical and experimental studies as well as obtaining engineering competence. This includes systematic training in classical, physical, mathematical and professional disciplines during the first two years of studies and basic disciplines of the department (mainly engineering ones) in the other two years. The subjects of the Bachelor's degree program take place at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of MEPHI. The subjects of the program include the following ones:
The fourth year of the program (and further the Master's and PhD programs) is aimed at intensification of professional competence in the area of critical high-technologies, research in the laboratories of the department and scientific centers of the industry. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentPartners The major partners of the program are the research centers of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom." The research part of the educational program may as well take place in the following Rosatom companies:
Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science Supervising professor: Professor Gennady A. Saryshev, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, vice-director of the Science and Innovation Rosatom company, science supervisor of the Rosatom chemical cluster. Manager of the ProgramNikolay A. Evstyukhin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Plasma Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Aim of the program: training in the fields of plasma physics; gas discharge physics; engineering of devices for plasma production, confinement, and diagnostics; plasma technologies; and mathematical simulation of plasma phenomena. The bachelor's program includes profound study of physics and mathematics and gives knowledge and experience necessary for work both at research centers and industrial enterprises (of Rosatom, the Ministry of Defense, the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.) and at small high-tech firms associated with designing, development, and adjustment of equipment that utilize plasma. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe professional activity sphere of graduates after their completion of the "Plasma Physics" program is related to research works, designing, development of technologies, and production in the fields related to plasma science and technology, as well as to organizational and managerial activities at institutions of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" (e.g., Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow; Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Space Research Institute, Institute for Problems in Mechanics, etc.). Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The bachelor's program curriculum is formed in such a way that students, in addition to theoretical knowledge, gain experience in operation of modern facilities and equipment, as well as skills in designing devices and systems. This is achieved by combination of various disciplines. The program includes designing of an instrument or a new installation using modern computer packages SOLID WORK, INVENTOR, AUTOCAD, KATIA, and KOMPAS-3D. The program also includes lectures and seminars on modern vacuum plasma system technology and plasma installations, with give knowledge and experience in operation and development of various vacuum and plasma systems. Lectures on plasma chemistry and the spectral methods for studying plasmas add knowledge on processes in plasma and plasma diagnostics. Laboratory works on "Physics of Low Temperature Plasma" and "Hot Plasma and Fusion" give practice in operation of vacuum and plasma facilities, as well as experience in plasma physics experiments. The course "Safety of Works on Electric Installations" helps to learn measures necessary for protection of human health when working with electricity and a high voltage. Particular attention is paid to computer simulation of plasma processes and the basics of automation of experimental facilities. Additional English training is also included in the educational process; it comprises technical translation and seminars in English. Research work can be performed in various branches of physics ranging from astrophysics to plasma nanotechnology. Experiments, theoretical studies, computer simulation, and technology development are performed by students. There is also a broad academic and scientific cooperation with leading national institutions, including State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as with foreign institutions in Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Poland, the United States, France, Sweden, and Japan. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science- Post Graduate Program manager: V.A. Kurnaev, the Head of the Plasma Physics Department of MEPhI, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Russian Federation Government Prize Laureate (2010). Manager of the ProgramValeriy A. Kurnaev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Nuclear Fusion Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Aim of the program: training in the field of the controllable nuclear fusion physics, problems of hot plasma theory, plasma diagnostics, engineering and physical principles of fusion devices. The bachelor program includes profound study of physics and mathematics and gives knowledge and experience necessary for working at the leading research centers specializing in the problem of thermonuclear fusion. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The bachelor program curriculum is formed in such a way that, in the learning process, students gain experience in operation of vacuum setups (course "Modern Vacuum Technology of Plasma Installations") and master plasma diagnostic methods (in laboratory works during the courses "Low-Temperature Plasma Physics," "Hot Plasma and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion," and "Spectral Methods of Plasma Research"). Lectures on the engineering bases of thermonuclear reactors, introduction into the techniques of the thermonuclear experiment, and the physical processes in a thermonuclear reactor acquaint students with the goals and objectives of the hot plasma and fusion research and give necessary knowledge on the design of fusion facilities; methods for plasma confinement, heating, and purification; interaction of a plasma with facility components facing it; conversion of energy released in the fusion reactions; and radiation protection and control of these facilities. The program includes development of the design of new installations using modern computer packages SOLID WORK, INVENTOR, AUTOCAD, KATIA, and KOMPAS-3D. The course "Safety of Works on Electric Installations" helps to learn measures necessary for protection of human health when working with electricity and a high voltage. Particular attention is paid to computer simulation of plasma processes and the basics of automation of experimental facilities. Additional English training is also included in the educational process; it comprises technical translation and seminars in English. Research work and practice are held at the National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" (Tokamak T-10 and other facilities) and also at fusion installations of the other research institutes: Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (L-2M), Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute (Tuman-3 and Globus-M), and at international installations (TEXTOR, Compass-D, etc.). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe professional activity sphere of graduates after their completion of the "Nuclear Fusion Physics" program is related to research works, designing, development of technologies, and production in the fields related to plasma science and technology, as well as to organizational and managerial activities at institutions of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom," the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in the ITER international thermonuclear reactor project. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Program manager: V.S. Strelkov, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, the double Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Manager of the ProgramValeriy A. Kurnaev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Particle Physics and Cosmology
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The purpose of the program is the training of bachelors possessing knowledge in the foundations of nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology, being able to take part in research work on (i) improvement of the experimental techniques in the field of nuclear and particle physics, preparation and carrying out of experiments in this field, analysis and interpretation of its results; and (ii) solution of fundamental problems of astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics, connected with description of the early Universe, dark matter, dark energy, etc. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the field and objects of the professional activity of expected graduates: Training of bachelors is focused on their research work in the field of basic particle physics and cosmology. Graduates may participate in preparation and carrying out of particle physics experiments, in particular, in creation and use of particle and radiation detectors, as well as in analysis of experimental data. They also cal take part in theoretical predictions and interpretation of experiments in high-energy physics (experiments at accelerators and in astrophysics). Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Brief characteristics of the curriculum, features of the educational process, basic fundamental and special disciplines. The curriculum includes more than 60 courses, including elective ones, which provide fundamental training in physics and mathematics, as well as basic theoretical and practical grounding in nuclear and particle physics. A student can choose the direction of training focused on accelerator experiments (e.g., at the Large Hadron Collider) or cosmology. In the context of the first direction, students study experimental techniques, particle detectors, electronics, and methods of measurements, as well as methods for computer-aided processing and analysis of experimental data. In the context of the second direction, basics of the relativistic quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and cosmology are studied. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentGraduates may work at the MEPhI, Research Center "Kurchatov Institute," Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino), Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN (Switzerland), DESY (Germany), etc. In addition, graduates can enter the master's school. Additional informationProgram manager: M.D. Skorokhvatov, Professor, Doctor of Science (Phys. Math.), Head of Department No. 40. Manager of the ProgramMikhail D. Skorokhvatov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Condensed Matter Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Brief description of the program: The purpose of the "Condensed Matter Physics" program is the training of personnel for scientific and industrial organizations, where researchers with fundamental physical, mathematical, experimental, and technological education in condensed matter physics are needed. The attractive features of the program: the relevance of disciplines and the high level of experiments and technology (academic subjects are taught by acting scholars), the opportunity for graduates to work in areas that are widely sought now and are the key areas for the application of science and technology: physics and technology of semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices (LEDs, photovoltaic elements, thin-film field-effect transistors, memory elements, etc.), based on nanoscale multilayer semiconductor and dielectric structures. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe main areas of the professional activity of future graduates are the scientific, engineering, and R&D activities. The objects of professional activity of graduates are experimental studies, technologies for preparation and modeling of solid-state (semiconductor) nano-scale multilayer structures (nanoheterostructures). Graduates are currently required in a variety of businesses and research organizations of the Rosatom State Corporation, federal nuclear centers, the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. For example: National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Sarov), Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Center for Photochemical Sciences and Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, etc. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum consists of two stages:
In addition to the main special subjects, special courses are taught in 4th year of the undergraduate (and, thereafter, master's degree) school by specialized authors on several fronts, deepening knowledge in the field of relevant research: "Introduction into Modern Nanotechnology," "Experimental Methods of Condensed Matter Physics," "Physics of Nanosystems," "Fundamentals of Measurement in Solid State Nanoelectronics," etc. Practices
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of institutions for practice: National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Sarov), Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramVladimir R. Nikitenko Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Radiation Safety of a Human Being and the Environment
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Aim of the program: training of broad profile researchers in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. Graduates from the program work, first of all, at enterprises and institutions of the nuclear industry and related fields, including principal institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organizations of applied researches and design. The Department of Radiation Physics and Nuclear Technology Safety has a 55-year history. During this period of time, many graduates from the Department came to nuclear industry and now work at different levels: from common specialists to top managers of the industry. For example, many of them work as leading researchers at scientific and design institutions and as heads of radiation safety services at nuclear power plants and nuclear-powered icebreakers. Some of them hold high posts in the Rosatom top management. The programs of nuclear power industry development which are provided with trained specialists: "Radiation Safety of Nuclear Industry," "Training Specialists for Research Centers," "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation in 2010-2020," "Program of Innovative Development of the State Atomic Energy Corporation," and others. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Main fundamental and professional courses: theory of transport of ionizing radiation; physics of radiation shielding; radiation dosimetry, detecting and spectroscopy; instrumental techniques in radiation safety; fundamentals of nuclear technologies safety; risk assessment and risk management; medical and biological grounding of radiation safety; safe treatment of radioactive nuclear waste and used nuclear fuel; human physiology and biological effects of ionizing radiation. On the basis of mathematics and physics students get fundamental knowledge in interaction of radiation with matter and propagation of ionizing radiation through matter. Graduates from the program are able to assess risk and apply methods of decision-making theory. Graduates can skillfully use up-to-date dosimetric, detecting and spectroscopic equipment. They are acquainted with modern methods of radiation shielding calculation and design and are able to apply their knowledge to practical problems. They know how handle used nuclear fuel and radioactive nuclear waste and can do it practically. Practices
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentList of organizations used for practical work and undergraduate practice: Institute of Safe Development of Nuclear Power; Scientific and Technological Center of Nuclear and Radiation Safety; Russian Research Institute of NPP Operation; Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan; Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics named after academician E.I. Zababahin; Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics; National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," and other institutions of nuclear industry. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramAlexandr M. Agapov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 316 290 |
Materials Science and Technology of Materials 22.03.01 | |||
Physics of Materials and Processes
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal is
Programs for which personnel training is planned are "Personnel Training for Science Centers", "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for the Period of 2010-2020," "Program of Innovative Development of State Corporation Rosatom," and "National Technological Base." Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe sphere of professional activity of graduates is the development of new materials based on physico-chemical analysis and solid-state physics, the development and use of physical methods to investigate materials, and the development of technologies to obtain and treat new materials of the energy-intensive techniques. The objects of professional activity of graduates are materials of energy and physical facilities, condensed matter, methods and systems for research and diagnosis of the state and properties of materials. Bachelors not admitted to magistracy can work as engineers or technicians. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is developed using the basic principles of preparation of engineers-physicists at MEPhI during the last 30 years. This is physico-mathematical training and study of experimental methods, mastering of engineering sciences, and professional training. Characteristics of the educational process are single basic training for faculty in humanitarian, natural science and engineering disciplines for the first two years and professional training at the Department No. 9 at the 3rd and 4th courses. The main professional disciplines are physics of condensed state, physical materials science, computer modeling, physical methods of materials investigation, functional and structural materials, processes to obtain and treat materials, structure and properties of materials, physics of strength and mechanical properties. On the 4th year there is a deepening of professional competences, work in the laboratories of the Department and at scientific and educational centers of the industry. The attractive parts of the program are profound physical and mathematical preparation, as well as professional materials science and information technologies, and competences in the field of materials that provide reliable employment. Practices. The scientific and production training is conducted on the third course for 2 weeks and the scientific and research (distributed) training is conducted during the 8th semester. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of institutions for practices include: National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, as well as innovative science intensive business enterprises. Rosatom enterprises: Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Sarov); Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Lebedev Physical Institute, Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Physico-technological Institute, Institute of Solid State Physics, Institute of Radio Electronics, etc.
Organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Defense. Manager of the ProgramAlexey P. Menushenkov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 176 410 |
Computer Science and Engineering 09.03.01 | |||
High-Performance Computer Systems and Technologies
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The program objective is to prepare highly qualified bachelors in computer systems and technologies for the staffing of the research institutions, enterprises of nuclear and other high-tech industries. The program provides formation of skills in the field of information system architecture; high-performance computing, including the use of hybrid supercomputing technology; cryptology; development of digital equipment on field programmable logic devices and microprocessors; as well as development of a secure system and application software. List of programs: Innovative Development Program of the State Corporation "Rosatom", Innovative Development Program of Public Corporation Concern PVO Almaz-Antey. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduates"The area of professional activity includes:
Objects of the professional activityThe objects of professional activity of graduates are:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum fully complies with the State Educational Standart-3 and with the basic disciplines includes unique disciplines of the variable part ("Automatic Machines Theory," "Discrete Mathematics," "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics," "Interfaces and external devices of computing systems," "Low-level programming," "Computer and Systems Organization," "Microprocessor Systems"). Disciplines of the variable part train the graduates to be successful in all modern high-tech sectors with modern information-managing and communication technologies. The curriculum comprises the large number of subjects that can be chosen by a student according to personal preferences. The curriculum provides advanced training in the field of modern secure information technologies. The curriculum provides training in foreign language. Practice: Practical training (12 weeks). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of enterprises for practice: MEPhI, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", Public Corporation Concern PVO Almaz-Antey, PLC MCST, Open Computer Systems Holding, Federal Financial Monitoring Agency (Federal Financial Monitoring Service), Systemprom Concern, etc. Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science Program Manager: M.A. Ivanov, PhD, Professor, Head of the base department. Manager of the ProgramMikhail A. Ivanov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 176 800 |
Software Engineering 09.03.04 | |||
Mathematical modeling and software engineering for computers and computer networks - Information technologies for cybernetic systems development
![]() Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe professional line includes design and implementation, as well as maintenance, of information systems and software products in the field of applied mathematics and computer science for state, industrial and commercial organizations:
Graduates earn the following abilities:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Curriculum objective: Highly-qualified bachelor and master training, with special background in the field of cybernetic system development technologies, with the main intension of supplying staff to organizations in high-tech fields of Russian science and industry. Disciplines: Along with all disciplines required by the federal standards, students are additionally trained in various fields of discrete mathematics, database systems and technologies, AI systems and technologies, various cybernetic systems development technologies, models of physical processes in nuclear systems. Student participation in research activities, with qualifying works being made and presented, is mandatory. Practical work:
Additional informationThe program of continuous training: Bachelor's Degree - Master of Science Manager of the ProgramAndrey M. Zagrebayev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 230 100 |
Information Systems and Technology 09.03.02 | |||
Mathematical Equipment, Hardware and Software of Information System
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal of the program: a bachelor should be able to compete in programming with the world leaders in the development of advanced software for the defense and civil sectors of the industry. The educational program is also aimed at bachelor degrees in mathematics and hardware information systems and technology, which allows one to quickly create a team capable of performing in the short term the entire cycle of information system development, starting with a mathematical model and terminating with software and hardware implementation either at the level of the best developments in the world or a higher than the world level. As a result, experts with a high qualification are provided for the defense, nuclear, and other high-tech sectors of the Russian industry. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum of the program includes intensive training in mathematics and programming; disciplines related to the creation of models of processes in complex information systems, and dedicated to the study of methods for creating automated systems management, information security, geographic information systems, databases, and hardware components of information systems. Manager of the ProgramYuriy Y. Shumilov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 110 900 |
Applied Informatics 09.03.03 | |||
Applied Informatics in Economy and Management of High-Technology Industry
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Targets and specificity of economic training at the EAI: learning of mathematical and instrumental methods in economics and management, modeling of business process and corporative information management, strategic forecasting and innovative project management under conditions of globalization of economics, finances and business; assurance of mobility and competitive ability of EAI graduates on the highly professional labor market in the IT industry. In the training process student learn to manage huge program pack for business process modeling and management (ARIS, BOSS-CORPORATION, Project Expert, Primavera, SAP, Metastock etc.). One of condition for developing financial economical cluster of major companies and high technology holding company, like State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", "Rosteh" etc., is conversion of companies economic services from accounting to economic analytic format based on newest information technologies. Information technologies is economic sector, which is referring to driving forces of country modernization and which is badly in need of highly professional manpower, trained by the EAI. Training of bachelors implies participation of students and graduates in implementation of a number of federal and industrial programs, for example, "Information-Oriented Society (2011-2020)," "Program of Innovative Development of Rosatom," "Research and Development in the Priority Directions of the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013," "Programs of Transformation of Information Technologies of Rosatom for 2010-2014," etc. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe occupational category for Bachelors includes:
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe educational program provides educational and manufacturing practice at high technology companies, including State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" (Rosenergoatom Concern, Atomstroyexport, Techsnabexport, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, GreenAtom, etc.) also in a row of commercial structures, for example, JSC Audit-Consulting Group Business Systems Development, included in the Crowe Horwath International, in big banks, and insurance companies. Additional informationThe educational program "Applied Information Science and Informatics in Economics and Management of High-Technology Industry" corresponds to the research educational trajectory, allowing uninterrupted (pass-through) training: Bachelor's program (research) - Master's program (academic) - (postgraduate study) - scientific, designing, and productive organizations of high technology industries in the real sector of economy and financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, funds, etc.). Manager of the ProgramAnna I. Guseva Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 113 880 |
Applied Informatics in Social Systems
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Educational blocks of vocational training Being trained, along with basic preparation in the field of mathematical and natural sciences, computer facilities, and programming, students study a wide range of the professional disciplines forming the following blocks:
Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesAreas of professional activity of graduates Fields of activity:
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe competences created as a result of training allow graduates to find a worthy place of work in the scientific, state, and industrial organizations. Additional informationAfter the termination of a bachelor degree, it is possible to continue training on department in a magistracy in the analogous direction. Manager of the ProgramMaksim V. Sergiyevskij Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 113 880 |
Innovation Management
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The target model of enterprise management provides the economic integration of all elements of the model (strategic management, risk management, market management, production management, development of economic and financial system, including accounting and auditing, investment portfolio management, etc.) to provide the required level of its development. Educational trajectory is built so that graduates have the competencies that allow them to work at any enterprise or organization (e.g., at State Corporation "Rosatom"). Brief description of the program The main objective is the training of Bachelors in computer science, who are engaged in development, implementation, analysis, and support of professional-oriented information systems in the field of innovation management and are capable of making decisions in functional tasks and managing informational, material and cash flows using such information systems. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional activity area of Bachelors includes:
Objects of the professional activityProfessional activity objects of Bachelors are:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Brief description of the curriculum, features of educational process on the program, the main basic and specialized disciplines. The attractive parts of the program. Curriculum provides adequate physical and mathematical training, as well as enhanced language training. Training in the field of applied informatics is combined with innovation management in the field of high technologies. During their study, students master the following disciplines: system analysis of humanitarian, scientific and technological areas; information systems, databases, and data analysis; modeling of developing systems and facilities; open systems, programming and information technologies, export control, marketing, etc. Practices
Manager of the ProgramIgor V. Prokhorov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
4 | 113 880 |
Master |
Management 38.04.02 | |||
Strategic Management of the Company and the Business Excellence Models
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The program is aimed at preparing competitive and highly qualified specialists capable of using contemporary instruments of general and strategic management, developing and implementing business strategies in industrial and administrative structures at all levels of management, at research organizations, educational institutions of higher and further professional education. The program is focused on basic and applied research aimed at developing and implementing high-tech projects in the field of innovation-based economy, including the atomic industry. Competitive advantages of the program:
Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesAreas and objects of professional activity of graduates. The Master's program "Strategic Management of the Company and the Business Excellence Models" is aimed at preparing highly qualified executives, specialists, and advisers in the field of organizational management, economic analysis, development of managerial solutions, and advisory activity at enterprises of various forms of ownership, at state, regional, and municipal structures, research organizations, and educational institutions of higher and further professional education. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The educational program provides in-depth theoretical and professional master's development. One should note the practical orientation of the education allowing the graduates to use their knowledge of methods of mathematical, strategic, and economic analysis for solving practical problems. Skilled professionals, being able to take strategic, financial, and investment solutions, carry out comprehensive due diligence of a company. Along with the theoretical unit, the educational program contains a special unit of professional disciplines, including required courses and elective courses. The system of elective courses creates the conditions for in-depth theoretical and professional development of the graduates. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentIn the course of the educational program, students are provided with opportunities to undergo practical training at leading high-tech enterprises, including Situation and Crisis Center of Rosatom (Moscow), Atomspetstrans JSC, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, NIKIMT-Atomstroy JSC, and Sberbank of Russia. Additional InformationProgram Director: A.I. Ageyev, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Economics), MBA; Academician, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Director General and the Founder, Institute for Economic Strategies, the Social Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Editor-in-Chief, Economic Strategies academic business magazine; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research; Head of the Department of Business Projects Management. Manager of the ProgramAlexandr I. Ageyev Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 132 925 |
Business Informatics 38.04.05 | |||
Business Informatics in High-Technology Industry
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Program target: training high level professionals possessing modern information technologies and economical and mathematical research methods for modeling business process and corporative information management, strategic forecasting and innovative project management under conditions of globalization of economics, finances, and business. Specificity of training at the EAI: learning of deep correlation of economic, natural, judicial, and political knowledge. The program provides receiving of necessary competences for modeling of corporate information architecture and corporate information management; creation and support of quality management systems; information support of the life cycle of hi-tech products; and support of information systems of planning, accounting, and control of manufacturing and financial resources of enterprises according to recommendations of the international ISO standards. Much attention is given to training of competitive manpower for innovative development of high technology industry under conditions of globalization of economics, finances, and business. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe area of professional activity of masters includes: economic and analytical enterprises and company services of various knowledge-intensive branches and with any form of ownership, related to application of information systems, using economic-mathematical modeling and forecasting of processes in the economics and industry, commercialization of development and technologies, and formation of strategic development plans. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Research scientific work of masters is oriented on basic and applied research aimed at creating and implementing knowledge-intensive product in innovative economics using modern information technologies and information systems. Additional InformationProgram manager: A.I. Guseva, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, acting director of the EAI, the co-author of more than 250 research and methodical works including certificates of electronic educational resources. Manager of the ProgramAnna I. Guseva Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 132 925 |
Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics 14.04.01 | |||
Safe Nuclear Materials Management
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Main purpose of the MS Graduate Program "Safe Nuclear Materials Management" consists in acquiring the higher professional education that gives to the graduates (Masters of Science) an opportunity to work successfully in the areas related with nuclear and radiation physics, nuclear materials (NM) and nuclear technologies, safe and secure handling of nuclear materials, including their physical protection, control and accountability. The MS Graduate Program was designed for those persons who have already acquired the higher technical education or the Bachelor of Science degree. The MS Graduate Program was launched for the first time in 1997, and the first specialists were graduated from the Program in 1999. Till now, twelve generations, i.e. about 100 Masters of Science, were graduated from the Program for further activity in the area of safe NM management. The specialists graduated from the Program (the graduates) acquired the deepened scientific and technical knowledge in the area of nuclear technologies, nuclear facilities and the operations used for NM physical protection, control and accountability. The graduates studied the basic legislative, political and economical aspects of NM management, the generalized approach to designing and evaluation of physical protection systems for nuclear materials and nuclear objects. The graduates mastered the most updated computerized and information technologies to be used for NM control and accountability. The graduates passed a special training in English. Knowledge acquired by the specialists graduated from the MS Program "Safe Nuclear Materials Management" allows them to have some universal and object-oriented competencies that can promote their social mobility and stability in the labor market. Objects of the professional activityThe following objects are the main ones for future professional activity of the specialists graduated from the MS Program "Safe Nuclear Materials Management" in the educational direction 140700 - Nuclear Power and Thermal Physics:- nuclear facilities; nuclear materials and nuclear technologies; the newest systems for NM physical protection, control and accountability; the measuring systems for NM characterization; mathematical models for theoretical and experimental studies in the area of safe and secure NM management; devices and systems for physical protection of nuclear dangerous objects; safety and security assurance of nuclear materials, nuclear objects and nuclear facilities of atomic industry and nuclear power. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The MS Graduate Program "Safe Nuclear Materials Management" consists of the following specialized disciplines:
The MS students perform the internship works in the leading Russian research and development institutions of the State Corporation "Rosatom" and in the international organizations involved into the projects related with NM safety, security and non-proliferation assurance. The list of Russian nuclear institutions includes, for example, National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, State Research Center" Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation, the Science and Technology Center of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Luch Research and Production Association, and some others. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe graduates are offered to work at research institutes and authorities of the State Corporation "Rosatom", as well as in international organizations involved into the projects on NM safety, security, and non-proliferation assurance. Additional InformationHead of the program: N.I. Geraskin, PhD, Associate Professor, the First Deputy Head of the Basic Department, Head of the Training and Methodological Center on Engineering-Physics Education. Manager of the ProgramNikolay I. Geraskin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 187 330 |
Technical Aspects of Nuclear Non-proliferation
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Main purpose of the MS Graduate Program "Technical Aspects of Nuclear Non-proliferation" consists in acquiring the higher professional education that gives to the graduates (Masters of Science) an opportunity to work successfully in the areas related with non-proliferation of nuclear materials (NM), exclusively peaceful use of nuclear materials and development of technical tools for NM control and accountability. This orientation of the MS Graduate Program reflects one of the main missions being executed by the State Corporation "Rosatom" - effective development of Russian nuclear power industry under national non-proliferation safeguards, i.e., under conditions needed to exclude completely unauthorized applications of nuclear materials. The specialists graduated from the Program (the graduates) acquired the deepened scientific and technical knowledge in the area of nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear technologies, devices and procedures for NM control and accountability. The graduates studied the national and international systems of nuclear non-proliferation safeguards, as well as the international and economical aspects of NM management. The graduates mastered the most updated computerized and information technologies used for NM control and integrity assurance. The graduates passed a special training in English. Knowledge acquired by the specialists graduated from the MS Program "Technical Aspects of Nuclear Non-proliferation" allows them to have some universal and object-oriented competencies that can promote their social mobility and stability in the labor market. The following objects are the main ones for future professional activity of the graduates:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The MS Graduate Program "Technical Aspects of Nuclear Non-proliferation" consists of the following specialized disciplines:
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe MS students perform the internship works at Russian nuclear enterprises, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, national and international nuclear research centers, such as National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, State Research Center - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation, the State Corporation "Rosatom", the Science and Technology Center of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Luch Research and Production Association, the IAEA, and some others. Additional informationHead of the Program: N.I. Geraskin, PhD, Associate Professor, the First Deputy Head of the Basic Department, Head of the Training and Methodological Center on engineering-physics education. Manager of the ProgramNikolay I. Geraskin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 187 330 |
Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Physics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal of the program (brief description of the program), focused on solving problems of the industry. The purpose of the program is the staffing, scientific and innovative provision of the nuclear industry and other high-tech industries in the field of experimental nuclear physics and cosmic physics for the real world of large-scale physics experiments with the use of modern information technology with open access to experimental equipment and received data. It is planned to train highly qualified scientific personnel with robust engineering skills to work at Rosatom enterprises, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Federal Space Agency, and Ministry of Defense organizations, and to continue education in a graduate school. Competitive advantages of the program. Highly efficient preparation of masters at the department provides tight integration of science and education, and promotion on its basis of effective educational and research activities; aiming at ensuring the effective transfer of technologies to the economy; and conduct of fundamental and applied research in a wide range of priority areas of science, technology, and critical equipment in the Russian Federation. Education is based on the organic combination of teaching and research work of students in the real world of modern physics experiments in the priority areas of basic and applied research. The master's program provides information and imparts skills on the use of methodological advances in the field of nuclear physics, accelerator physics, high-energy cosmic physics, and space physics research. Obtained in the course of the study, competence allows graduates to conduct research in interdisciplinary areas (non-accelerator high-energy physics, monitoring of geophysical and heliophysical environments by nuclear physics methods, medical physics and radiology). The curriculum contains the study of basic and special courses in nuclear physics and cosmic physics, including subjects in English language, in addition to lectures, seminars and laboratory works, participation in real scientific research and R & D department in the SEC "Micro- and Cosmic Physics" named after V.G. Kirillov-Ugryumov, in other parts of MEPhI and research and production facilities. Training at leading research centers in Italy, France, the United States, and Japan is provided as part of joint scientific works. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of graduates. The sphere of professional activity of graduates is the design, development, and metrology of equipment for detection of hard electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation for use under extreme conditions (at nuclear facilities and in open space, deep exploration, nuclear medicine, etc.). The objects of future career of Masters can be organizations and enterprises of Rosatom, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education and Science, and Russian Federal Research Centers and also postgraduate studies in the field of 01.04.01 and 01.04.16 specialties. Graduates will be able to model, design and build devices and equipment for carrying out experiments in nuclear and cosmic physics, collect, process and analyze results of such experiments. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum includes the study of basic and advanced courses in the field of nuclear physics and cosmic physics, including, in addition to lectures, seminars and laboratory works, participation in real scientific research and R&D in the SEC "Micro- and space physics" named after V.G. Kirillov-Ugryumov, in other parts of MEPhI, as well as leading scientific and manufacturing facilities in various fields of science and industries. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe base of industrial and/or scientific practice. The bases of the industrial and scientific practices are the Institute of Space Physics (INCOS), the Institute of Astrophysics (INASTRO), REC NEVOD, Laboratory of Fundamental Interactions, Radiation Laboratory, members of the SEC "Micro- and space physics", other units of MEPhI, as well as enterprises of Rosatom (Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics), the Russian Academy of Sciences (Lebedev Physical Institute, Space Research Institute, and Institute for Nuclear Research), Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Research and Production Corporation "Space Monitoring Systems, Information & Control and Electromechanical Complexes" named after A.G. Iosifian, etc. Additional InformationInformation about the leader of the program: M. Danilov, Head of the Department, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of Research of the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics. Manager of the ProgramViktor M. Grachev Contact e-mail |
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Particle Physics and Cosmology
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The purpose of the program is the training of masters possessing knowledge in nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology, being able to carry out research work on (i) studying fundamental properties of matter, improvement of the experimental techniques in the field of nuclear and particle physics, preparation and carrying out of experiments in this field, analysis and interpretation of its results; and (ii) solution of fundamental problems of astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics, connected with description and evolution of the Universe, studying nature of dark matter, dark energy, etc. Advantages of the program: There are several areas of training to choose from: with a focus on accelerator experiments in high-energy physics, with a focus on nuclear physics, on neutrino physics, on astrophysics and cosmology. Also, depending on the level and desire of a student, one can choose elective courses, fixing basic grounding in particle physics, information technologies, etc. (mainly, for those who studied earlier in other areas or came from other universities). Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the field and objects of the professional activity of expected graduates: Training of masters is focused on their work in the field of basic and applied research in nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Graduates may participate in preparation and carrying out of research, in particular, creation and use of particle and radiation detectors, as well as theoretical studies, analysis of results of experiments in high-energy physics, neutrino physics, astrophysics, and experiments at accelerators. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Brief characteristics of the curriculum, features of the educational process, basic fundamental and special disciplines. The curriculum includes more than 30 courses, including elective ones, which provide all-round training in the field of modern nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, and cosmology. All students receive a basic theoretical and practical grounding in nuclear and particle physics. Entering graduates from other universities are provided in-depth training on specific subjects as an option. The training covers the foundations of nuclear physics, the theory of electroweak and strong interactions and its possible extensions, the foundations of the gravity theory and its multi-dimensional generalizations, also the fundamentals of physics of high-energy nuclear collisions and quark-gluon matter, cosmoparticle physics, etc. Much attention is paid to computer literacy of students. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentList of enterprises for practical training: MEPhI, Research Center "Kurchatov Institute," Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino), Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named after B.P. Konstantinov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FI Academy of Sciences, the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN (Switzerland), DESY (Germany), etc. Additional InformationProgram manager: M.D. Skorokhvatov, Professor, Doctor of Science (Phys.- Math.), Head of Department No. 40 Manager of the ProgramMikhail D. Skorokhvatov Contact e-mail |
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Physics and Nanotechnology of Heterostructure Electronics
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Purpose of the program: obtaining the higher professional education by a graduate of the program, which will allow him/her to successfully work in the field of experimental research, technologies for preparation and modeling of solid-state (semiconductor) nanoscale multilayer structures (nanoheterostructures), have the general cultural and professional competencies promoting his/her social mobility and firmness in the labor market. Competitive advantages of the program: the relevance of disciplines under study and the high technological level of the experimental basis (academic subjects are taught by acting scientists), the possibility of postgraduate work in areas that are extensively demanded at the present time and are the key areas for the applied science and technology: physics and technology of semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices (light-emitting diodes, photovoltaic cells, thin-film field-effect transistors, memory elements, etc.), based on nano-scale multilayer dielectric and semiconductor heterostructures. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of graduates:
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is based on knowledge gained at the bachelor's school under the program "Nuclear Physics and Technology" on the profile "Physics of Condensed Matter," including quantum physics, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, and experimental methods of condensed matter physics. The main basic and specialized disciplines are: "Physics of Nanosystems," "Introduction into Modern Nanotechnology," "Physics and Technology of Micro- and Nanoelectronics," "Optoelectronics," "Design and Simulation of Micro- and Nanoelectronics." The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe base of industrial and/or research practice: laboratory facilities of the Institute of Functional Nuclear Electronics, MEPhI. Additional InformationLeader of the program: M.N. Strikhanov, Professor, Rector of MEPhI, Head of Department No. 67 Manager of the ProgramVladimir R. Nikitenko Contact e-mail |
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Femtosecond laser physics and technology
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Program goal: the program prepares students for the fields associated with the interaction of radiation with matter, materials science, laser technology, micro and nano-processing of materials, created on the basis of these new technologies and photonics, electronics and medicine, radiation technologies. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesSphere and objects of professional activity: The main field of research are non equilibrium processes stimulated by intense ultra-short laser pulses on the surface and in the bulk of materials, and developing on the basis the received data technologies for fabrications of micro-and nanostructures. As the object of laser irradiation are coatings, materials (metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, composites, and organic matter). Special emphasis is made on novel carbon materials (CVD mono, poly and nanocrystalline diamond, nanotubes, graphene) Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum of masters consists of two modules of training: the basic module and the professional one. High qualification of graduates is provided by: the global level of researches of the department, the involvement in educational process of leading and activity working scientists from the department. Students have internships in reputable foreign laboratories of the universities of Arizona and Nebraska (USA), the cities of Marseille and Nancy (France), Stuttgart, Ulm and Bochum (Germany), Rome (Italy), Beijing technology (China) and several others, which the basic scientific partners of the department. During studying the students have the opportunity to realize themselves in the implementation of their results in the creation of new elements, devices, and equipment through a network of small innovative enterprises related to the department and headed by leading its employees. The graduates carry out dissertation work using modern unique analytical research equipment. The following research facilities are available:
Modules (name, description)The basic module includes
The professional module includes unique special courses that correspond to the most modern state of science: surface physics and nanostructures, computer modeling, calculation and design of nanosystems, interaction of radiation with condensed media, laser micro and nanotechnology, methods of diagnostics and analysis of materials and nanostructures, fundamentals of biology and medical photonics.
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe graduates are in demand for large, medium and small high-tech companies, both Russian and foreign. They also can use their knowledge and skills in the laboratories of universities, academic and industrial research institutes. Manager of the ProgramIrina N. Zavestovskaya Contact e-mail |
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Physics and technology of semiconductor lasers
![]() Foreign partner universities within the ProgramPartner universities: University of Rochester (USA), Tampere University of Technology (Finland). Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal of the program (brief description of the program), focused on solving problems of the industry. The purpose of the program is to train the mastership students for activities related to quantum electronics, photonics, interaction of radiation with matter, laser technologies, R&D of semiconductor laser components and devices, and applications of these devices in electronics, medicine, technology and other areas. Competitive advantages of the program. The program is based on the close scientific cooperation between P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute and Partner Universities. Throughout the whole training period, the students attend the course "Scientific seminar: modern studies on advanced fields of science and technologies". The course includes lectures presented by leading foreign scientists both immediately in MEPhI and via distance learning. The latter can be also routed to other Partner Universities. The courses are developed by leading researchers specialized and having wide experience in the development of semiconductor lasers and their application, both in P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute and Partner Universities.. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCharacteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of graduates. The curriculum is organized so that the graduates obtain a wide spectrum of competences allowing them to perform the basic research and solve applied problems in the fields of laser physics, physics of semiconductors, solid state, plasma, fast processes, interaction of radiation with matter, control systems and automatic control. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Brief description of the curriculum (the features and benefits). The first year of education is conducted at MEPhI, when the main courses of the FGOS3 "Nuclear physics and technologies" are taught, as well as the specialty courses. Large attention is devoted to improve the knowledge of English language for subsequent passing the TOEFL exams. The second year includes both training at MEPhI and at the Partner University. The curriculum is composed in such a way that students can vary their education trajectory, take their courses from either MEPhI or the Partner University, as well as vary their study at the Partner University from one to two semesters. The curriculum includes the distance learning courses translated from MEPhI or the Partner University. Modules (name, description)The specialty courses are subdivided to the following modules: 1) Semiconductor lasers, with the course of the same title as well as High-power single diode lasers, Quantum cascade lasers, Semiconductor disk lasers - 9 credits. 2) Heterostructure techology: Physics of the heterostructures, Technology of the heterostructure growth, Physical fundamentals of the semiconductor laser technology - 10 credits. 3) Interaction of radiation with matter, with the course of the same name, plus Physical optics, Modern optics, Modern photonics, Theoretical quantum electronics, Fiber optics and fiber lasers, Integrated optics, Solid-state lasers with diode pumping - 22 credits. 4) Scientific & research practice: Research practice, Scientific-industrial practice, Pre-dissertation practice - 11 credits. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentBasic organizations: P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS), NPP "Inject" (Izhevsk, Russia). The base for industrial and/or scientific practice. The bases for the industrial and scientific practices are the Partner Universities, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS), NPP "Inject" (Izhevsk, Russia), and other institutions and laboratories of RAS performing research in the same field in collaboration with European and American universities and scientific companies. Additional InformationInformation about the leader of the program: Oleg N. Krokhin, Head of the Department, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Academician), Doctor of Sciences, Professor, prominent physicist and organizer of science, laureate of Lenin and State Prizes, Editor-in-Chief of Quantum Electronics, Scientific advisor of the Mastership division of MEPhI. Manager of the ProgramIrina N. Zavestovskaya Contact e-mail |
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Materials Science and Technologies of Materials 22.04.01 | |||
Nanostructured Materials
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal of the program is
Programs for which personnel training is planned are "Personnel Training for Science Centers," "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for the Period of 2010-2020," "Program of Innovative Development of State Corporation Rosatom," "National Technological Base," and others. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesSphere of professional activity of graduates: Masters prepared under the program "Nanostructured materials" are primarily able to carry out on their own theoretical and experimental investigations for solving research and technological problems in the field of physical radiation materials science, having the knowledge and skills for development and synthesis of nanostructured materials (nanocrystals, thin films, nanotubes and nanowires, nanocomposites) and nanotechnologies for use in nuclear engineering and industry, computer design of nanomaterials with desired structures and properties, for self-use of highly modern laboratory and analytical equipment to investigate nanomaterials, for development of a nanostructure formation technology, and for providing of thermodynamic approaches to investigate nanosystems. Objects of the professional activityThe objects of professional activity of graduates are materials of energy and physical facilities, condensed matters, technologies of fabrication and treatment of materials, and methods of investigation and analysis of materials. Preparation of masters will allow them to work successfully in research, technology, design and management fields of modern science and techniques, the development of which involves the use of nanostructured materials. After graduation, they have the possibility of continuing their education in graduate school of "Physics of Condensed State." Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is developed using the basic principles of preparation of highly qualified specialists at MEPhI during the last 30 years. This is an additional physico-mathematical training, the study of experimental methods for investigation of materials, mastering the computer and management technologies, and professional training. The main professional disciplines are special chapters of higher mathematics, theoretical solid-state physics, computer simulation in materials science, reactor materials science, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, structure and properties of nanomaterials and complex compounds, the physical fundamentals of computer design of nanomaterials, radiation-stimulated processes in solids. The constant deepening of professional competences, work in laboratories of the Department and at scientific and educational centers of the industry. The attractive parts of the program are profound physico-mathematical preparation, as well as professional materials science and information technologies, and competences in the field of physical materials science and solid-state physics that provide reliable employment. Practices. The practical training (20 weeks for the 10th and 11th semesters) is conducted as a pre-graduation practice. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe bases of industrial practice are industry-leading enterprises of Rosatom: Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Luch Research and Production Association, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Gydropress Experimental and Design Organization, NPO ENERGY Research and Production Association, Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering, and other scientific and engineering centers. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Master of Science - Post Graduate Head of the program: B.A. Kalin, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Department of Materials Science, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Award, Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher School Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
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2 | 141 700 |
Computational Materials Design
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Master double degree program "Computational Materials Design" is designed for bachelors with good physical and mathematical background. Courses will be delivered in Rusiian and/or English. In situations where the straightforward experiments are too complicated or impossible, atomistic materials calculations are commonly applied as an important set of tools to gain insight into the laws of material microstructure development, often being the main, and sometimes the only method for investigation of complicated processes occurring at the nanoscale. As a result, in the last 20 years computational physics has acquired the status of independent approach to materials research. An especially successful in terms of prediction power is the complex treatment of material behaviour from atomistic to technologically relevant time and length scales, known as multiscale modelling approach. This approach is based on the idea that physical phenomena occurring at particular time and length scales are described by the most adequate modelling tools which are computationally practical, while the whole tool set provides a self-consistent hierarchy, where the output of finer methods provides input for more coarse-scale description. The approach becomes especially efficient, if the modelling incorporates experimental validation procedures exploiting specialized techniques able to address the processes occurring at each individual level. Modeling an object or phenomenon by means of computational physics requires a clear formulation of the problem, followed by self-consistent planning of the computer experiment. This course aims at developing the abovementioned skills, supported by intensive introduction to the basics of computational methods of condensed matter physics. The program involves a combination of disciplines of material physics, programming languages, methods of visualization and supercomputing technologies. Modules (name, description)The course list and their synopsis1. Title: Materials for prospective technologies.Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Karazhanov S. The course goalsThe course addresses study of solar cells that are semiconductor devices converting solar energy into electrical energy. Interest to study, fabrication and characterization of solar cells is increasing from year to year. Many countries, industries, research Institutes and education centers are paying strong attention to that. The aim of the course is to give introduction to solar cells to Master students on research and developments on solar cells. We will focus on principle of operation of solar cells, processes in solar cells, methods of fabrication and characterization of solar cells, recent research and developments in this field. The course objectives
The course modulesModule 1. Renewable energy Energy demand on the Earth is increasing from year to year whereas the available energy resources such as coal, gas and oil are restricted. Renewable energy can be supportive to solve the increasing energy demand. One of them is the solar energy, which can be converted into electrical energy by means of solar cells. Solar cells are the semiconductor devices, which absorbs the sunlight and converts the energy into electrical energy. This is called photovoltaics. The course is about introduction to photovoltaics. One of the important aspects is understanding of renewable energy and why this is important. Another important aspect is how solar radiation is distributed and how it depends on different geographical locations. Then we come to semiconductor materials that can absorb the sunlight. The materials will be classified according to their capability to absorb sunlight, possibility of making photovoltaic devices and simplicity of technology of making of such devices. Main focus will be given to the requirements for materials to be used in photovoltaics. Different types of materials to be used as different layers in solar cells will be analyzed. Another important point is the method of synthesis, availability, and price, and toxicity of the materials These issues will be analyzed in the lecture. Within the last 60 year time many types of solar cells have been developed based on different types of materials. Some of the cells will be analyzed. Working principles of them will be discussed. Module 2. Processes in solar cells Defects and impurities play key role in efficiency of the solar cells. Some of them can enhance electrical conductivity of semiconductors and can be useful for tuning the Fermi level and making n- and p-type layers. They are shallow level semiconductors and are useful for making the p-n-junctions. The other type of impurities are deep level and can enhance generation recombination processes. They lead to decreasing the charge carrier lifetime and diffusion length and can lead to decreasing the efficiency of the cells. There are many types of such defects. Mostly they are transition metal elements and/or defect-impurity complexes. Properties of these defects, ways of processing of the materials and characterizing these defects will be discussed more in detail. We will focus on analysis of charge carrier recombination. Different theoretical models of recombination will be analyzed and charge carrier lifetime will be derived. The most widely used theory is developed by Schockley-Read-Hall. The theory will be analyzed more in detail. Analytic expression for the carrier lifetime will be derived. Methods of characterization of the lifetime will be discussed. Subsequently, we will analyze other theoretical models for the generation-recombination processes through more complicated defects such as the donor acceptor pairs, recombination through excitons, bistable defects, etc. Transport of free charge carriers is one of the important issues. We will analyze theoretical bases of the charge carrier transport and simplification depending on different types of solar cell structures and related boundary conditions. Based on the above analysis, solar cell parameters will be derived and analyzed. There are different methods related to fabrication and characterization of solar cells. The methods will be analyzed as well. 2. Title: Design of nuclear reactor active zone. Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Short M.The course goalsThe main goal of this course is to design a coupled software system to predict void swelling in a BN-600 fuel assembly over the course of one fuel cycle. Students will be learning to use existing codes for solving nuclear multiphysics problems, devising coupling strategies to link their inputs & ouputs, and measuring the accuracy of coupled solutions vs. uncoupled ones. This course is a chance to prove what students have learned, by applying the concepts students have studied individually to solving a new, difficult problem. In addition, this course will require students to think about these concepts in an integrated fashion, always keeping in mind how changing one system or parameter can affect all the others. Finally, this course offers students the chance to develop their research and literature searching skills, as you will definitely have to delve into new, unfamiliar fields to get the answers and results they want. Rather than asking students to answer questions, this course will teach them how to figure out which questions to ask. The course modulesModule 1. Course Outline, Expectations, Library Resources, The BN-600 Reactor. Neutronics Codes. Intro to Subchannel Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Modeling Real Systems - Computational & Numerical Methods. Numerically Informed Decision Making. Modeling Real Systems - Non-Analytical Geometries. Radiation Void Swelling - Causes and Effects. Megamultiscale Simulation - The CASL Project, Plus Meet the Writing Fellows! Module 2. Using the Linux Operating System for High Performance Computing. Designing Effective Test Cases/ Systems Design - Overall Strategies, Determining Scope, Plus Multiscale Simulation Example. Giving Effective Presentations (Interactive between MIT and MEPhI). Cascading Simulations - Shell Scripting. Shell Scripting Sensitivity Studies. Intuitive Nuclear Materials. Simulations and Writeup 3. Title: Computer simulation and modern problems of materials scienceLecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Nazarov A. The course goalsThe course aims at teaching Master students principles of computational experiment formulation and planning for studying materials behavior in extreme environments. The course objectives
The course modulesModule 1. Overview of computer simulation methods History of computer simulation developments. Computational experiments types. Planning a computational experiment. Gradation of computer simulation methods with regards to size and time scales. Characteristic size and time scales for different objects and phenomena studied in materials science. Simulation cell definition. Boundary condition definition. Types of boundary conditions: free boundary conditions, rigid boundary conditions, flexible boundary conditions, periodical boundary conditions, controllng boundary conditions. Boundary conditions principles of choice. Ways to describe interatomic interactions in materials. Semi-empirical potentials. Area of applications and limitations of semi-empirical potentials. Types of semi-empirical potentials and their application features. Ab initio methods. Gradation of ab initio methods with regard to size and time scales. Fundamentals molecular statics methods. Groups of methods for energy minimization. Fundamentals molecular dynamics method. Algorithms for integrating the equations of motion. Statistical mechanics and modeling. Types of statistical ensembles in Monte Carlo simulation. Fundamentals of the Monte Carlo method. Random numbers. Metropolis model. Ising model. Kinetic Monte Carlo. Object Monte Carlo. Mesoscopic and macroscopic methods definitions. Groups of methods that describe systems and the processes in them at the meso-and macro-level. Module 2. Simulation of materials under irradiation Extreme environments: low or high temperature (> 1500 K), high pressure (> 30 MPa), high strain or strain rates, high radiation fluxes (> 100 dpa) and high intensity electromagnetic fields (> 15T). Physical basis of material interaction with neutron fluxes. Examples of computational models of material interaction with neutron fluxes. Physical basis of laser-material interaction. Examples of computational models of material interaction with laser irradiation. Physical basis of material behavior under heavy atom implantation. Examples of computational models of material interaction heavy ion fluxes. Principles of computational experiment planning and selection of computer simulation modeling techniques. Module 3. Simulation of materials under high pressure Physical basis of material response to high pressure conditions. scientific insights on bonding formation and breakage under high pressure, how atoms and molecules organize over short and long ranges, and how the kinetics and thermodynamics govern materials stability. Examples of computational approaches to simulation of material under pressure. Principles of computational experiment planning and selection of computer simulation modeling techniques. 4. Title: Phase field theoryLecturer/ assistant: Prof. Umantsev A. The course goalsPhase transformations are significant changes in the system's properties and symmetry, which happen as a result of changes of the external conditions (temperature, pressure, chemical potential, etc). Although various phase transformations are discussed in the course, it is more about the method to study than about the phenomena themselves. This course can be taken as a part of a graduate or undergraduate curriculum. It is for students who are interested in all aspects of phase transformations, especially for those who plan to be involved in theoretical studies or computer simulations of the phenomena and would like to obtain knowledge in the direction of the field theory of phase transitions. The course modulesModule 1. Phase Field Theory Basic Definitions. Landau Theory of Phase Transitions Phase Transition as Symmetry Change. A Phase and Phase Transition. Order Parameter. Phase Transition as a Catastrophe. Phase Diagrams and Measurable Quantities First-Order Transitions. Second-Order Transitions. Ehrenfest Classification. Effect of External Field on Phase Transition. Free Energy of a Heterogeneous Equilibrium System. One-Dimensional Solutions of Equilibrium Equation. Classification of States. Plane Interface. Interfacial Properties. Critical Plate. Bifurcations. Free Energy Landscape. Multidimensional Equilibrium States. Sharp Interface (Drumhead) Approximation. Critical Droplet. Fourier Method. Thermodynamic Stability of States: Local versus Global. Module 2. Dynamics of Systems Dynamics of Homogeneous Systems. Evolution Equation: The Linear Ansatz. Solutions of the Linear-Ansatz Dynamic Equation. Evolution of Small Disturbances. Beyond the Linear Ansatz. Evolution of Heterogeneous Systems. Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Evolution Equation. Motion of Plane Interfaces. Dynamic Stability of Equilibrium States. Homogeneous Equilibrium States. Heterogeneous Equilibrium States. Morphological Stability of Moving Plane Interface. Motion of Curved Interfaces: (Sharp Interface Approximation). Non-Equilibrium Interface Energy. Evolution of a Spherical Droplet. Dynamics of Domain Growth. Thermo-Mechanical Analogy. Thermodynamic Fluctuations. Dynamics of Fluctuating Systems: Langevin Force. Evolution of the Structure Factor. Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
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2 | 141 700 |
Materials in extreme conditions
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Master double degree program "Materials in extreme conditions" is designed for bachelors with good physical and mathematical background and includes courses
Upon finishing this program students will be able to carry out independently theoretical and experimental studies for solving research and technological problems in the field of materials under extreme conditions. The gain of knowledge of processes occurring in solids under influence of external factors, research methods of materials response to extreme environmental conditions, radiation-resistant materials development skills, as well as skills to work with modern equipment, provide masters a solid basis for successful professional performance in international projects aimed at development of fundamental materials related knowledge data base and solutions of the complex problems of the applied nuclear science and technology. The courses will be delivered in Russian and/or English language. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The list of courses offered by the Department of Materials Science of MEPhI 1. Title: Computer simulation and modern problems of materials science. Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Ganchenkova M.G. 2. Title: Physics of strength and plasticity. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Perlovich Yu.A. 3. Title: Physical fundamentals of diffraction methods and structure characterization of materials. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Isaenkova M.G., Senior lecturer Skritniy V.I. 4. Title: Computer and information technologies in science and industry. Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Ganchenkova M.G., Senior lecturer Polyanskiy A.A. 5. Title: Radiation-induced processes in reactor materials. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Cepelev A.B. 6. Title: Physical basis for the development of nuclear fuel. Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Tenishev A.V., assistant Lunev A.V. 7. Title: Structural materials of nuclear reactors. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Kalin B.A., assistant Lunev A.V. 8. Title: Superconducting materials metallurgy. Lecturer/ assistant: Assoc.Prof. Dergunova E.A. 9. Title: Radiation Materials Science. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Yakushin V.L., assistant Dzhumaev P.S. 10. Title: Theory and technology of modern powder consolidation techniques. Lecturer/ assistant: Professor Olevsky E.A., Assoc.Prof. Grigoriev E.G. Modules (name, description)Modulus 1 "General Science"1. Abstract of the module Upon finishing the modulus students should: philosophical issues of science and technology, the principles and methods of modeling the structure of materials and processes occurring in them; history, methodology and modern problems of physics, materials mechanics, and materials production technologies, materials processing, materials treatment and modification, as well as new theoretical/computational physics approaches applied to description of materials properties, phenomena and processes. using philosophical vision to find and summarize the analogy in existing developments of materials and technologies; comprehensively assess and predict the trends and consequences in development of materials science and materials technology, to contribute developments of knowledge-based technologies and innovations in the field of professional activity; use new scientific approaches and methods of mathematical modeling in addressing design and use of materials having desired technological and functional properties; philosophical and methodological basis for research and development in the field of materials science and materials technology; knowledge on modern methods and approaches of computational physics and skills to apply them to development of new materials and processes.
Modulus content 1. Courses / Research / Practice: Philosophical aspects of science and technology. Complexity (in credits): 2 2. Courses / Research / Practice: Computer simulation and modern problems of Materials science. Complexity (in credits): 6 3. Courses / Research / Practice: Special chapters of higher mathematics: integral equations and solving of incorrect problems. Complexity (in credits): 6 4. Courses / Research / Practice: Radiation Materials Science. Complexity (in credits): 4 5. Courses / Research / Practice: Physics of Strength and Plasticity. Complexity (in credits): 3 6. Courses / Research / Practice: Technical English/Russian. Complexity (in credits): 4 The modulus overall complexity (in credits): 24 Modulus 2 "Professional modulus"1. Abstract of the module Upon finishing the modulus students should: existing and novel computer and information technologies as applied to materials science and materials engineering; types and classes of modern and advanced inorganic and / or organic materials and processes for their production, processing and modification; modern problems of theoretical and applied materials science and materials technology applied to various fields of engineering and technology; basic professional terminology in a foreign language. to bind physical and chemical properties of materials and phenomena occurring in them, with the technological processes of production, processing and recycling of materials as well as their operational reliability and durability; to evaluate and predict the technological and operational properties of materials using modern computer and information technologies; to use computational methods and optimization of materials and processes with the use of global information resources; to read and translate professional texts in a foreign language, to submit scientific research results in a foreign language. skills in modern methods of analysis and determination of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of advanced materials; skills in development and use of new technologies and equipment for production and modification of inorganic and organic materials, including hybrid, composite and nanomaterials; skills to use modern information and communication technologies developing advanced materials and processes; skills to communicate verbally and in writing professional texts in a foreign language.
Modulus content 1. Courses / Research / Practice: Materials science and technology of modern and advanced materials: Structural materials of nuclear reactors. Complexity (in credits): 3 2. Courses / Research / Practice: Materials science and technology of modern and advanced materials: Physical basis for the development of nuclear fuel. Complexity (in credits): 3 3. Courses / Research / Practice: Computer and information technologies in science and industry. Complexity (in credits): 3 4. Courses / Research / Practice: Business English/Russian. Complexity (in credits): 2 5. Courses / Research / Practice: Physical fundamentals of diffraction methods and structure characterization of materials. Complexity (in credits): 6 6. Courses / Research / Practice: Superconducting materials metallurgy. Complexity (in credits): 4 7. Courses / Research / Practice: Theory and technology of modern powder consolidation techniques. Complexity (in credits): 3 8. Courses / Research / Practice: Radiation-induced processes in reactor materials. Complexity (in credits): 4 9. Courses / Research / Practice: Masters research training. Materials in extreme conditions. Complexity (in credits): 12 The modulus overall complexity (in credits): 40 Modulus 3 "Scientific Research Practice"1. Abstract of the module As a result of research work and practical training the student focuses on and deepening knowledge in specific professional field. Working in one of the research groups of the partner universities the student will - skills of acquisition of new knowledge through research; knowledge evaluation, interpretation and integration; critical analysis of new ideas; - skills of use foreign language as means of professional communication, basic and specialized vocabulary and basic terminology in the direction of training, oral and written communication, presentation of plans and results of their own and team activities, presentation of problems and solutions, clear and precise conclusions with reasoned exposition underlying knowledge and considerations any audience; - skills of independent development of basic knowledge of theoretical and applied sciences used in professional activities; - take initiative, independently acquire new knowledge and skills with the help of information technology means and use it in practice, to use professionally modern equipment and instruments as well as to formulate new research problems based on emerging issues; - independent learning new methods of investigation, change scientific, educational and industrial profile of their professional activities.
Modulus content 1. Courses / Research / Practice: Scientific research training. Complexity (in credits): 14 The modulus overall complexity (in credits):14 Modulus 4 "Final state attestation"1. Abstract of the module A result of diploma practice and Master diploma thesis writing the student completing his/her specialization in the professional sphere. Working in one of the research groups of the partner universities he/she will - skills in organizing R&D work, in team management, of working in an interdisciplinary team; - skills of formation and argumentation of their own opinions and scientific positions on the basis the obtained data, analyze and draw conclusions on scientific and technical issues arising in professional activities; - skills of us foreign language for professional communication, basic and professional vocabulary, oral and written communications, presentation of plans and results of their own and team activities, presentation of problems and solutions, clear and precise conclusions with reasoned exposition underlying knowledge and considerations any audience; - skills of independent development of basic knowledge of theoretical and applied sciences used in professional activities; - skills to use in practice, integrated knowledge of natural science, general professional and special disciplines for understanding the problems of the "materials under extreme conditions", ability to propose and implement ideas that make an original contribution to the field of science, engineering and technology; - skills of independent use of modern information and communication technologies, global information resources in research and computational and analytical work in the field of materials science and materials engineering; - skills of independent use of physical and chemical principles, principles and techniques of research, testing and diagnostic substances and materials; - skills of integrated approach to the study of materials and technologies for their processing and modification, including standard and certification testing of materials, products and processes;skills of independent data collection, research, analysis and synthesis of scientific and technical information on the subject of research; - skills of independent choice of materials for specific operating conditions, taking into account the requirements of reliability and durability, efficiency and environmental impact of their use; - ability to use the methods of modeling and optimization, standardization and certification for assessing and predicting the properties of materials and process efficiency; - ability to independently use the modern concepts of Materials Science, operating in extreme conditions.
Graduate work is an independent and logically complete experimental research or engineering work associated with the tasks of developing and creating materials with desired properties as to operate in extreme conditions. Subject of graduate qualification work is aimed at solving professional tasks:
By performing the Master diploma work students demonstrate their skills and abilities, based on the gained in-depth knowledge, skills and formed general cultural and professional competence, to independently solve problems of his/her professional area, to present professionally and scientific data, to defend their point of view argumentatively. 2. Modulus content 1. Courses / Research / Practice: Master diploma practice. Complexity (in credits): 15 2. Courses / Research / Practice: Master thesis writing a defense. Complexity (in credits): 7 The modulus overall complexity (in credits): 22 Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 141 700 |
Information Systems and Technology 09.04.02 | |||
High-Tech Information Systems
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The purpose of the program is the training of masters who have fundamental knowledge in the field of functional analysis, optimal control theory, and theory of numbers. Masters are capable of developing operating systems; they can deal with functional and logic programming. The educational program is also aimed at the Master in the field of robotics, design circuits, microwave electronics, quantum cryptography and quantum computing theory. Objects of the professional activityThe objects of professional master's degree are as follows:
Manager of the ProgramYuriy Y. Shumilov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
2 | 141 700 |
Specialist |
Economic Security 38.05.01 | |||
Economic Security
![]() Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Specialization Subjects (semesters V-X):
Additional InformationGraduate's main skills: An economic security specialist must be capable of solving the following professional tasks:
Manager of the ProgramPavel Y. Leonov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5 | 126 490 |
Information Security of Automated Systems 10.05.03 | |||
Information Security of Automated Banking Systems
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Aim: Graduates get the professional competencies needed to perform duties related to information security of the automated systems of different organizations, mainly from the credit and financial sphere. Attractive sides of the program: During MEP mastering, students will learn the disciplines, first being developed at the MEPhI and focused on unmet employers' demand. The graduates can continue their education at Master's Degree course and postgraduate school. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesProfessional activity of the graduates concerns solving the scientific, engineering and technological tasks, covering a range of problems related to maintenance of automated systems- information security and business continuity. The graduates will perform their work on the following activities: organizational, managerial, engineering, research, and teaching. The programs for which training is planned: -Training for Research Centers, priority direction Technologies of Information Processing, Storage, Transmission, and Protection, -the programs implementing the key statements of the documents of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (Strategy of Information Society Development in the Russian Federation,Priority Problems of Scientific Research in the Field of Information Security Maintenance of the Russian Federation,Main Research Directions in the field of Information Security Maintenance of the Russian Federation). Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Short curriculum characteristics. The Main Educational Program (MEP) is realized on the basis of the Special Professional Education (SPE) and meets the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the Higher Professional Education (HPE) for the training direction 090900 "Information Security" (qualification (degree) "Specialist"). In addition to the general scientific and general professional disciplines, the SPE includes the following disciplines of specialization: - Automated Banking System, - Information Systems - Disaster Recovery, - Cryptography in Banking, - Virtual Private Networks, - Audit of Information Systems and Protection Technologies, - Security Maintenance Basics for Banking Card Technology, - Protected Electronic Document Interchange, - etc. The workshops on the special subjects are implemented on the up-to-date unique laboratory equipment. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe graduates will work at the following companies: the Bank of Russia, Sberbank, Bank VTB, Vnesheconombank, Gazprombank, Russian Standard Bank, Institute of the Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lins-M LLC, Amicon LLC, Factor-TS LLC, Informzachita, Rosenergoatom Concern, Grinatom JSC, Institute of Nuclear Power Plant, the Russian Federal Security Service, Infotecs JSC, CryptoPro JSC, Active JSC, STC Atlas, CROC Incorporated JSC, Kaspersky Lab JSC, etc. Additional InformationHead of the Department: M.J. Senatorov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Manager of the ProgramAlexandr I. Tolstoj Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5 | 166 300 |
Information and Analytic Security Systems 10.05.04 | |||
Information and Analytic Security Systems
![]() Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Specialization Subjects (semesters V-X):
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentGraduate's main skills:
Manager of the ProgramPavel Y. Leonov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 230 100 |
Security of Information Technologies in the Law Enforcement Sphere 10.05.05 | |||
Information Technology Security for Law Enforcement
![]() Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Specialization Subjects (semesters V-X):
The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentFinancial and economic security specialists can apply their knowledge in: government agencies, and law enforcement authorities (the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Federal Tax Service, the RF Ministry of the Interior, the RF Prosecutor's Office, the RF Investigative Committee etc.); commercial banks, leasing companies, pawnshops, insurance companies, jewelry and gambling industries etc.; Financial Intelligence Units of the AML/CFT Eurasian Group member-states. Additional InformationGraduate's main skills: A specialist in information technology security for law enforcement must be capable of solving the following professional tasks:
Manager of the ProgramPavel Y. Leonov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5 | 230 100 |
Electronics and Automation of Physical Facilities 14.05.04 | |||
Electronics and Automation of Physical Installations
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Objective: Training of highly qualified specialists in the following areas:
Programs planned for training: "Training for science centers," "A new generations of nuclear energy technology for the period of 2010-2020", "Program of Innovative Development of Rosatom", and "National Technological Base". Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum provides theoretical training during the 9 semesters, training and defense of the graduation project at the 10th semester. The educational process is combined with an active research work, which is performed under the guidance of experienced professionals in the research laboratories of the department and key enterprises. The main basic and special courses: "Fundamentals of Microelectronics," "Integrated Circuits Design," "Microprocessor-Based Systems," "Physics of Micro- and Nanostructures," "Physical Facilities," "Physical Basis of Nanoelectronics," "Optoelectronic Devices and Systems," "Micro- and Nanoelectronic Sensors and Transducers," "Modern Micro- and Nanoelectronic Technologies," "Reliability and Radiation Resistance of Microelectronic Devices and Systems", "Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems-on-Chip," and "Telecommunication Systems and Networks." The combination of profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills in research and design of micro- and nanoelectronic devices and systems provide the high demand in the labor market and create conditions for rapid professional growth. Practices 1) Practical training on computers (distributed educational practice is carried out in the weeks of the theoretical training in accordance with the curriculum) 2) Pre-diploma practice is carried out by the 10th semester The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of enterprises for practice: Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Research Institute of Instruments, Eleron Special Research and Production Association, Institute for System Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Space Instrument Engineering, Module Research Center, Research Center of Computer Technology, and MCST. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramVyacheslav S. Pershenkov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5 | 242 320 |
Nuclear power plants: design, operation and engineering 14.05.02 | |||
Monitoring and control systems of Nuclear power plants
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal of the educational program: personnel training for organizations and enterprises of Rosatom corporation in the area of monitoring, control and automation of nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants. Targeted federation programs for which training is aimed: "The development of nuclear power industry of Russia", "A new generation of nuclear energy installations", "Innovative Development Program of Rosatom corporation". Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesScope and objects of professional activity of graduates: nuclear installations, nuclear power plants, safety operation systems, I&C systems, process control systems, diagnostics and automated control of nuclear power installations and NPP, technology of their design, development, implementation and maintenance. Target companies for the employment of graduates: industrial research institutes, design and manufacturing businesses and organizations of Rosatom State Corporation and Concern Rosenergoatom. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum includes blocks of humanities, social and economic cycle, mathematics and the natural cycle, the professional cycle, including specialization "Monitoring and control systems of NPP ", the research work of students, practical training at the base businesses and organizations. A considerable amount of studies is conducted in specialized training laboratories with modern actual equipment and software, including the following laboratories: "Hardware and software for process control system of NPP", "Control and safe operation of nuclear power plant", "Digital control systems", "Information Technology and information-measuring systems". Practice. Computer practice is performed on 1 and 2 semesters. Practice and research at the department and base enterprises - on 7, 8, 9 and 10 semesters. Pre-diploma practical training at base businesses and organizations - on 10 and 11 semesters. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe list of base enterprises for practice: FSUE "VNIIA", JSC "VNIIAES", JSC "SNIIP", SIC "CI", JSC "AEP", JSC "NIKIET" etc. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Master of Science - Post Graduate Educational trajectory - specialties. Trajectory of discontinuous training: specialty -> [magistracy] -> [postgraduate study] -> enterprises and organizations of the nuclear industry. Trajectory of continuous training: specialties -> postgraduate study -> research and design organizations of the nuclear industry. Manager of the ProgramViktor A. Safonenko Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 316 290 |
Isotope Separation Technologies and Nuclear Fuel 14.05.03 | |||
Advanced Functional Materials
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal is
Programs for which personnel training is planned are "Personnel Training for Science Centers," "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for the Period of 2010-2020," "Program of Innovative Development of State Corporation Rosatom," "National Technological Base," and others. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesThe sphere of professional activity of graduates: The specialists trained on specialization "Advanced Functional Materials" are able to independently carry out theoretical and experimental investigations for solving research and technological problems in the field of physical radiation materials science, to provide design, development and investigation of the structural-phase state and the properties of radiation-resistant materials used for the manufacture of structural elements of natural and nuclear power plants and reactors of all generations. Preparation of specialists will allow them to work successfully in research, technology, design and management fields of modern science and technology, the development of which is stimulated by the use and development of new materials. After graduation, they have the possibility of continuing their education in graduate school of "Physics of Condensed State." The objects of the professional activity of graduates are materials of energy and physical facilities, condensed matters, computer technologies, the use of instruments and systems for research and analysis of materials. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is developed using the basic principles of preparation of highly qualified specialists at MEPhI during the last 30 years. It includes additional physico-mathematical training, study of experimental methods for investigation of materials, mastering the computer and management technologies, and professional training in the field of advanced technologies. The main professional disciplines are theoretical solid-state physics, nuclear physics, functional and structural materials, computer simulation in materials science, physical fundamentals of computer design of materials, computer technologies in materials science, and materials science of superconductors. Permanent deepening of professional competences is ensured by work in laboratories of the Department and at scientific and educational centers of the industry. The attractive parts of the program are profound physico-mathematical preparation, as well as professional materials science and information technologies, and competences in the field of materials science that provide reliable employment. Practices. The practical training (20 weeks for 10 and 11 semesters) is conducted as a pre-graduation practice. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe bases of practical training are industry-leading enterprises of Rosatom: Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Luch Research and Production Association, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Gydropress Experimental and Design Organization, NPO ENERGY Research and Production Association, Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering, and other scientific and engineering centers. Additional InformationThe program is continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 242 320 |
Physical Materials Science
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal is
Programs for which personnel training is planned are "Personnel Training for Science Centers", "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for the Period of 2010-2020", "Program of Innovative Development of State Corporation Rosatom," "National Technological Base," and others. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesSphere of professional activity of graduates The specialists trained using the program "Physical Materials Science" must possess physico-mathematical tools and expertise at a level sufficient for the development of materials with specified properties, modeling, and understanding of the processes occurring in solids under the influence of external factors. They must also possess a complex of knowledge on the technologies for obtaining and treating materials, the fundamental laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and metallurgy, and professional knowledge to explain the state and properties of a wide range of materials and the ability to expand the capabilities of technological processes. Preparation of specialists will allow them to work successfully in research, technology, design, and management fields of modern science and technology, the development of which is stimulated by the use and development of new materials. After graduation, they have the possibility of continuing their education in graduate school of "Physics of Condensed State." The objects of the professional activity of graduates are materials of energy and physical facilities, condensed matters, computer technologies, the use of instruments and systems for research and analysis of materials. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is developed using the basic principles of preparation of highly qualified specialists at MEPhI during the last 30 years. It includes additional physico-mathematical training, study of experimental methods for investigation of materials, mastering the computer and management technologies, and professional training in the field of advanced technologies. The main professional disciplines are theoretical solid-state physics, nuclear physics, computer simulation in materials science, physical materials science, materials technology, functional and structural materials, fusion reactor materials, and research methods of reactor materials. Permanent deepening of professional competences is ensured by work in laboratories of the Department and at scientific and educational centers of the industry. The attractive parts of the program are profound physico-mathematical preparation, as well as professional materials science and information technologies, and competences in the field of materials science that provide reliable employment. Practices. The practical training (20 weeks for 10 and 11 semesters) is conducted as a pre-graduation practice. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe bases of practical training are industry-leading enterprises of Rosatom: Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Luch Research and Production Association, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Gydropress Experimental and Design Organization, NPO ENERGY Research and Production Association, Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering, and other scientific and engineering centers. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 242 320 |
Computer Design of Materials
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The goal is
Programs for which personnel training is planned are "Personnel Training for Science Centers," "Nuclear Power Technologies of New Generation for the Period of 2010-2020," "Program of Innovative Development of State Corporation Rosatom," "National Technological Base," and others. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesSphere of professional activity of graduatesHolders of Master's Degree in "Computer Design of Materials" are primarily able to carry out on their own theoretical and experimental investigations for solving research and technological problems in the field of physical radiation materials science, having the knowledge and skills for computer design of materials, modeling and understanding of the processes in solids, computer development of structural-phase state and desired properties of materials for nuclear power, the use of computers and information technologies to explain the behavior of irradiated materials and irradiated nuclear fuel. Preparation of masters will allow them to work successfully in research, technology, design and management fields of modern science and techniques, the development of which is stimulated by the use and development of new materials. After graduation, masters have the possibility of continuing their education in graduate school of "Physics of Condensed State." The objects of professional activity of graduates are materials of energy and physical facilities, condensed matters, computer technologies, the use of instruments and systems for research and analysis of materials. Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)The curriculum is developed using the basic principles of preparation of highly qualified specialists in MEPhI during the last 30 years. It includes additional physico-mathematical training, study of experimental methods for investigation of materials, mastering the computer and management technologies, and professional training in the field of advanced technologies. The main professional disciplines are special chapters of higher mathematics, theoretical solid state physics, nuclear physics, computer simulation in materials science, modeling of technological processes, the physical fundamentals of computer design of materials, and computer technologies in materials science. Permanent deepening of professional competences is ensured by work in laboratories of the Department and at scientific and educational centers of the industry. The attractive parts of the program are profound physico-mathematical preparation, as well as professional materials science and information technologies, and competences in the field of advanced science-intensive technologies that provide reliable employment. Practices. The research practice (10 weeks during the 4th semester of magistracy) is conducted as a pre-graduation practice. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe bases of practical training are industry-leading enterprises of Rosatom: Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Luch Research and Production Association, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Gydropress Experimental and Design Organization, NPO ENERGY Research and Production Association, Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering, and other scientific and engineering centers. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Post Graduate. Duration of training for obtaining Master's Degree: 2 years. Manager of the ProgramBoris A. Kalin Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 242 320 |
Isotope Separation Technology
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)The objectives: to prepare graduates to research and industrial activities in the field of isotope separation technology, design and development of new materials for devices of separation production; at the stage of specialist study, to provide basic humanitarian, mathematics, natural sciences and professional knowledge, specialized competencies; and to give graduate skills in the professional field and prepare for admission to the graduate school. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesSpecialty areas:
Objects of the professional activity
Brief description of the curriculum (features, benefits)Brief description of the curriculum. The curriculum retains the traditional fundamental knowledge principles of engineers training and includes physical, mathematical and engineering disciplines. It also includes a lot of special disciplines, for example, physical kinetics of gases, physical kinetics of multiphase systems, molecular-kinetic methods of isotope separation, physics of separation processes, special chapters of physics of separation processes, atomic-molecular and nuclear technologies, laser and plasma methods of isotope separation, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, etc. Practice: Research Practice (during the 3rd to 5th courses); Pre-graduation Practice (8 weeks). The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentOrganizations for practice: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI; National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"; Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics; National Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Engineering Measurements; Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology; State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, etc. Additional InformationThe program of continuous training: Specialist's Degree - Post Graduate Manager of the ProgramVladimir D. Borman Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5,5 | 242 320 |
Applications and Operation of Specialized Automated Systems 09.05.01 | |||
Specialized Automated Data Processing and Control Systems
![]() Goals of the Program (brief description of the Program)Brief description of the program. Program purpose is to train highly qualified experts in the field of automated data processing and control systems that meet the modern information security requirements, for employment in defense industry, energy sector, research organizations and government agencies. Characteristics of the scope and objects of professional activity of future graduatesCareer opportunities for the program graduates: The professional activities of graduates are focused on specialized automated data processing and control systems (ADPCS); computing systems and networks; methods and tools for design, modeling, experimental research, and control of specialized automated systems; and mathematical, informational, technical, linguistic, software, ergonomic, organizational, and legal support of specialized automated systems. Graduates can pursue a career at research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, nuclear and other high-technology industries. The base of industrial and/or scientific practice and employmentThe research performed by the students is carried out at the Scientific Educational Center "NPP Risk Management Systems" created at the Department No. 29 in collaboration with the International Nuclear Safety Centre and the Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation, as well as the department partner companies, such as Concern Morinformsystema-Agat, and Concern PVO Almaz-Antey. Manager of the ProgramViktor B. Shuvalov Contact e-mail |
Russian English |
5 | 130 000 |
Doctor of Philosophy degree | |||
Chemical Technologies 05.17.07 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Materials Technology 22.06.01 | Russian English | 4 | 144 300 |
Electronics, radioelectronics and communication systems 11.06.01 | Russian English | 4 | 144 300 |
Plasma Physics 01.04.08 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma 01.02.05 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Laser Physics 01.04.21 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Differential equations, dynamical system, and optimal control 01.01.02 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs 05.13.08 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Theoretical physics 01.04.02 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Control in Engineering Systems 27.06.01 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Nuclear power installations, including design, operation and decommissioning 05.14.03 | Russian English | 4 | 144 100 |
Information Security 10.06.01 | Russian English | 4 | 144 300 |